Apsidal Angles & Precession Brief Discussion! Particle undergoing bounded, non-circular motion in a central force field Always have r 1 < r < r 2 V(r) vs r curve Only 2 apsidal distances exist for bounded, noncircular motion.
Possible motion: Particle makes one complete revolution in θ but doesn’t return to original position (r & θ). That is, the orbit is not closed! Angle between any 2 consecutive apsides φ Apsidal Angle Closed orbit = Symmetric about any apsis All apsidal angles must be equal for a closed orbit. Ellipse: Apsidal angle = π φ -
If the orbit is not closed The mass gets to apsidal distances at different θ in each revolution Apsidal angle is not a rational fraction of 2π. If the orbit is almost closed Apsides Precess Rotate Slowly in the plane of motion. 1/r 2 force All elliptic orbits must be EXACTLY closed! The apsides must stay fixed in space for all time. If the apsides move with time, no matter how slowly Force law is not exactly the inverse square law! Newton: “Advance or regression of a planet’s perihelion would require deviation of the force from 1/r 2.” A sensitive test of Newton’s Law of Gravitation!
Precession FACT: Planetary motion: Total force experienced by a planet deviates from 1/r 2 (r measured from sun), because of perturbations due to gravitational attractions to other planets, etc. For most planets, this effect is very small. Celestial (classical) dynamics calculations: Account for this (very accurately!) by perturbation theory. Largest effect is for Mercury: Observed perihelion advances 574 of arc length PER CENTURY! Accurate classical dynamics calculations using perturbation theory, as mentioned, predict 531 of arc length per century ! 1° = 60´ = 3600´´ 574´´ 0.159° 531´´ °
Discrepancy between observation & classical dynamics calculations: 574 = 43 ( °) of arc length per century! Neither calculational nor observational uncertainties can account for this difference! Until early 1900’s this was the major outstanding difficulty with Newtonian Theory! Einstein in early 1900’s: Showed that General Relativity (GR) accounts (VERY WELL) for this difference! A major triumph of GR! Instead of doing GR, we can approximately account for this by (in ad-hoc manner) by inserting GR (plus Special Relativity) effects into Newtonian equations.
Back a few lectures: General central force f(r): Differential eqtn which for orbit u(θ) 1/r(θ) (replacing mass μ with the planetary mass m): (d 2 u/dθ 2 ) + u = - (m/ 2 )u -2 f(1/u) (1) Alternatively: (d 2 [1/r]/dθ 2 ) + (1/r) = - (m/ 2 )r 2 F(r) Put the universal gravitation law into this: f g (r) = -(GMm)/(r 2 ) & get: (d 2 u/dθ 2 ) + u = (Gm 2 M)/( 2 ) (2) GR (+ SR) modification of (2) (lowest order in 1/c 2, c = speed of light): Add additional force to F g (r) varying as (1/r 4 ) = u 4 : F GR (r) = -(3GMm 2 )/(c 2 r 4 ) = -(3GMm 2 )u 4 /(c 2 ) Put F g (r) + F GR (r) into (1):
(2) is replaced by: (d 2 u/dθ 2 ) + u = (Gm 2 M)/( 2 ) + (3GM)u 2 /(c 2 ) (3) Let: (1/α) (Gm 2 M)/( 2 ), δ (3GM)/(c 2 ) (3) becomes: (d 2 u/dθ 2 ) + u = (1/α) + δu 2 (4) Now some math to get an approximate soln to (4): (Like a nonlinear harmonic oscillator eqtn!) Note: The nonlinear term δu 2 is very small, since δ (1/c 2 ) Use perturbation theory as outlined on pages of Marion (handed out in class!)
After a lot of work (!), find the apsidal angle (perihelion precession) of θ = (2π)/[1-(δ/α)] (2π)[1+(δ/α)] Effect of the GR term is to displace the perihelion in each revolution by Δ 2π(δ/α) = 6π[(GmM)/(c )] 2 (5) Results for elliptic orbit (μ = m): e = eccentricity, 2 = mka(1- e 2 ); k = GMm, a = semimajor axis (5) becomes: Δ [6πGM]/[ac 2 (1- e 2 )] (6)
Prediction for an elliptic orbit, e = eccentricity, a = semimajor axis Δ [6πGM]/[ac 2 (1- e 2 )] (6) (6) An enhanced Δ for small semimajor axis & large eccentricity. Earlier table: Mercury (e = , a = AU) should have the largest effect! Get: Mercury: Calc.: Δ /century. Obs.: Δ /century!