Introduction CAD Data Exchange CERN 11 th CATIA FORUM 7 th June 2012 B.Riffaud
Main objective Allow data exchange between CERN CAD database (Smarteam) and external stakeholders (subcontractors, collaborations, institutes, clients…) 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD
Requirements Easy preparation of documents for exchange. Import/Export of documents with access rights. Export of documents for information or for modification. Import of new documents. Suppression of manual transfer operations. Traceability of exchanges. ←Smarteam SmartBox ←Smarteam / EDMS ←Smarteam ←Internal development Decision Use functionalities of existing CERN databases and systems. ←Smarteam / EDMS 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD
SmartBox (exchange process) Process EDMS CAD Exchange document (export) Prepare documents Enter reference of EDMS export document Launch extraction process Automatic transfer CERN user Additional documents External Stakeholder Download EDMS CAD Exchange document (import) Upload Automatic transfer Check documents (acceptance) Enter reference of EDMS import document Launch import process Access to Smarteam data via CartWeb Access rights + Traceability Access rights + Traceability Access rights + Traceability Smarteam Create 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD
Characteristics Senders : All CERN Smarteam users. Receivers : All EDMS CAD Exchange users. Type of files : All files registered in CERN Smarteam database. Exchange capacity : 100 Mo per EDMS document. 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD
Time Schedule June-August : final tests (actual cases). June-August : finalization/validation of user’s documentation. 12 th CATIA forum (September): detailed presentation to CERN users. Tool (Smarteam Smartbox process + EDMS CAD Exchange); User’s documentation; Feedback from final tests; Requirements specification Research of commercial products Decision Functionalities of Smarteam and EDMS + Internal development Development phase + Preliminary tests Production phase Final tests CATIA Forum 11 (we are here!) CATIA Forum 12 09/201206/2012 Next Steps 03/201010/ /06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD
We need candidates for final tests !!! (any context welcome) Please contact /06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD
Thank you for your attention Many thanks to GUCS and GS/ASE 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD