Introduction CAD Data Exchange CERN 11 th CATIA FORUM 7 th June 2012 B.Riffaud.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction CAD Data Exchange CERN 11 th CATIA FORUM 7 th June 2012 B.Riffaud

Main objective Allow data exchange between CERN CAD database (Smarteam) and external stakeholders (subcontractors, collaborations, institutes, clients…) 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD

Requirements  Easy preparation of documents for exchange.  Import/Export of documents with access rights.  Export of documents for information or for modification.  Import of new documents.  Suppression of manual transfer operations.  Traceability of exchanges. ←Smarteam SmartBox ←Smarteam / EDMS ←Smarteam ←Internal development Decision Use functionalities of existing CERN databases and systems. ←Smarteam / EDMS 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD

SmartBox (exchange process) Process EDMS CAD Exchange document (export)  Prepare documents  Enter reference of EDMS export document  Launch extraction process Automatic transfer CERN user Additional documents External Stakeholder Download EDMS CAD Exchange document (import) Upload Automatic transfer  Check documents (acceptance)  Enter reference of EDMS import document  Launch import process Access to Smarteam data via CartWeb Access rights + Traceability Access rights + Traceability Access rights + Traceability Smarteam Create 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD

Characteristics  Senders : All CERN Smarteam users.  Receivers : All EDMS CAD Exchange users.  Type of files : All files registered in CERN Smarteam database.  Exchange capacity : 100 Mo per EDMS document. 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD

Time Schedule  June-August : final tests (actual cases).  June-August : finalization/validation of user’s documentation.  12 th CATIA forum (September): detailed presentation to CERN users.  Tool (Smarteam Smartbox process + EDMS CAD Exchange);  User’s documentation;  Feedback from final tests; Requirements specification Research of commercial products Decision Functionalities of Smarteam and EDMS + Internal development Development phase + Preliminary tests Production phase Final tests CATIA Forum 11 (we are here!) CATIA Forum 12 09/201206/2012 Next Steps 03/201010/ /06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD

We need candidates for final tests !!! (any context welcome) Please contact /06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD

Thank you for your attention Many thanks to GUCS and GS/ASE 07/06/ th CATIA FORUM B.RIFFAUD