PowerPoint Slides September , 2011 English III
September 26 th, 2011: I can I can examine how the form and content of a poem affect my reading.
Vocabulary Quiz The results for these were pretty good. If you missed Friday arrange a time to make this quiz up. ▫It is in the binder.
Last Time What is rhythm? ▫the flow of sound created by stressed or unstressed syllables in a line. Stressed=′ Unstressed= ̆
Last Time What is blank verse? ▫Lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter. What is iambic pentameter? ▫Iamb- two syllables, unstressed-stressed, as in "today. ▫Pentameter- five feet per line.
Last Time What is meter? ▫the repetition of a regular rhythmic unit in a line of poetry. A foot is each unit. Each foot contains: ▫One stressed ▫One or two unstressed
Before We Break Turn to page 1002, listen while I read “Mending Wall,” by Robert Frost.
The First Few Lines Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. 1.What is the meter? 2.Where does it change? 3.What effect does that have?
Next Few Lines The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair Where they have left not one stone on a stone, But they would have the rabbit out of hiding, To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean, No one has seen them made or heard them made, But at spring mending-time we find them there. 1.What is the meter? 2.Where does it change? 3.What effect does that have?
In Groups Each group will be responsible for answering their respective section of the form worksheet. If you are in group one you have section one, group two you will have section two, and so on. ▫You have seven minutes to complete your section.
Class Review Each group share your findings.
Exit Slip ▫In the other lines section of worksheet Analyze line 45 for form and content Below the grid, explain what effect this line left on you.
September 27 th, 2011: I can I can use active reading skills to annotate a poem for form, literary devices, and meaning.
A few of Devices we Have Kinda Forgotten Assonance: ▫Repetition of internal vowel sounds of words close together in poetry. Example: I made my way to the lake. Consonance: ▫Repetition of internal or ending consonant sounds of words close together in poetry. Example: I dropped the locket in the thick mud. Both of these will be in today’s exit slip.
A few of Devices we Have Kinda Forgotten Alliteration ▫ the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Annotation? Annotation is a note that is made while reading any form of text. This may be as simple as underlining or highlighting passages.
Get out your Annotation Worksheets Out We will look over these marks and then as a class we will annotate Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams.” ▫Pay Attention to the questions below
On Your Own Read Robert Frost’s “Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening.” Make annotations on the poem to help you answer the questions below. This will be your exit slip.
September 28 th, 2011: I can I can compare how Robert Frost uses imagery, rhythm and repetition to create mood in his poetry.
Lil’ Review Imagery is? ▫refers to the details poets include that appeal to one of your senses; that is, the details cause you to feel something, hear something, smell something, taste something, or see something. Rhythm is? ▫the flow of sound created by stressed or unstressed syllables in a line.
Lil’ More Review Repetition ▫is the simple repeating of a word, within a sentence or a poetical line, with no particular placement of the words, in order to emphasize. Mood ▫Not what you bring to class, but? ▫is the emotions that you feel while you are reading.
Now time to apply the review Open up your books and turn to page Listen along as I read “Out, Out—.”
Back by popular demand Four Corners Quiz In “Out, Out—“ what is Frost illustrating with his last sentence, “And they, since they/Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs?” A.Witnessing death changes those people who are living. B.People have trouble getting over the death of a loved one. C.Death is a peaceful transition. D.People are alone in death.
The Answer
Let’s do a Lil’ More Review What was “Mending Wall” about? What was “I was one Acquainted with the Night” about?
The Task We will complete the Mood Worksheet for Robert Frost. Depending on your number you will be responsible for analyzing one of the three poems independently. 1.“Mending Wall” pg “I was One Acquainted with the Night” pg “Out, Out—” pg. 1004
Now that you are finished Meet with another person who has your poem. Compare your answers.
Exit Slip Based off of our study of Frost and the mood he creates, what changes are witnessing to the self?
Thursday September 29 th, 2011: I Can I can summarize a text to increase fluency and comprehension.
Practicing Sum It Up Turn to page 464. ▫Let’s Answer the following as a class. ▫What does the title mean? ▫What does the Building Background mean? ▫While I read complete the main ideas portion of the worksheet. ▫As a class complete the 20 word summary together.
On Your Own Read the article “The Raven: Present at Creation.” ▫Let’s Answer the following as a class. ▫What does the title mean? ▫Is there background information? ▫While you read complete the main ideas portion of the worksheet. ▫Once you’re finished complete the 20 word summary. This is your exit slip.
Friday September 30 th, 2011 I can: I can explain the format and procedures of the Reading test of the ACT.
ACT Reading Test The test is broken up into four types of readings. ▫Social Studies ▫Humanities ▫Prose Fiction- Fancy Word for story ▫ Natural Sciences
ACT Reading Test You are given 35 minutes to answer 40 questions about a reading. ▫Not impossible ▫Not pleasant The key is figuring out your timing and a strategy to attack this test. It has been shown that you don’t have to answer all the questions and you can get a good score. You just have to figure out your strengths and weaknesses.
Strategies Handout Look over your strategies handout. Strategies you could try later ▫Only focusing on the two to three readings you are comfortable with. Today we will work with the Prose Fiction Section. Use today as a way to get a feel for the test.
Somewhere in Your Notes Answer the ten questions on the reading test. Keep track of your strategy. I will keep time.
Correct Answers 1.A 2.G 3.C 4.H 5.D 6.G 7.D 8.F 9.A 10.G
Which Ones Were Commonly Wrong? If you got it right how did you approach the question?
Book Talk Your book talk with 5-10 minutes and now I will give you an example with a book I’ve read. The rest of the period is yours to silently read. ▫Remember Book Talks due Next Friday.
Exit Slip 1.What was your score on today’s section? 2.What do you anticipate as the most difficult aspect of the ACT Reading Test for you? 3.What part of the book talk do think will be the most difficult for you to complete?