CI 350 Unit Plan Writing a MLA Research Paper Caitlin G. Nelson
Introduction Purpose is to write a correct MLA format paper without plagiarism Beneficial skill to college bound seniors The topic for all papers is Famous Writers
Analyze Learners Twelfth grade honors English class Age level years old Requirements -Past experience with research writing -Basic computer knowledge -Out of class work
State Objectives West Virginia CSO’s - RLA produce a summative project (e.g., research paper; power point presentation; web page) using an accepted format (e.g., MLA; APA). - RLA correct errors in organization, content, usage, mechanics and spelling in all writing using revisions and editing strategies.
State Objectives Cont. RLA access and evaluate information through a variety of primary and secondary sources (e.g., personal interviews; SIRS; Congressional Quarterly ). RLA employ a sound note taking system that can be applied to classroom, library and/or interview.
State Objectives Cont. RLA produce a detailed outline for use in a summative project. RLA adapt and apply speaking skills in order to participate in a variety of situations (e.g., panel/group discussion; oral presentation; guest speaker. TEC create, publish, and present projects related to content areas using a variety of technological tools.
Select Media & Material Materials needed: - Note cards - Pencil & Paper - Out of class computer use - Presentation Materials Materials Provided : - Computers - Library sources - Handouts & Worksheets
Select Media & Materials Cont. Websites used lish/researchlp.htm lish/researchlp.htm (Teacher Only) ism/ ism/plagiarismresources.html (Teachers & Students) (Students) esearch/ esearch/ (Teacher Only)
Utilize Media & Material Classroom and Library Lectures Computer Lab Library lessons and resources Peer Editing Class Presentations
Utilize Media & Material Cont. -Day One Introduction to MLA format, citation, plagiarism, and -Day Two Introduction to the Library and sources Paper topics assigned and research begins -Day Three, Four, & Five Library research with notecards and source cards due everyday
Utilize Media & Material Cont. -Day Six Last day of library research with final notecards and source cards due -Day Seven Computer lab working on rough draft -Day Eight Peer editing -Day Nine Class presentations -Day 10 Class presentations and paper due date
Require Learner Participation Different classroom settings -Classroom -Library -Computer lab Different types of activities -Individual assignments -Computer assignments -Peer Editing -Class Presentations
Evaluate and Revise Evaluation and grading determined by : - Overall paper (citations, form, flow, grammar, etc.) 200pts - In class work (notecards, source cards, peer editing, and class participation) Totaling 100pts - Class presentations (determines how much they learned about their writer) 50 pts -Total Points Possible: 350pts.
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