From Cells to Ecosystems 1.View this PowerPoint as a slideshow on your computer. Directions 2. Use the following two slides to fill out the Key Learning, Unit Essential Question, and the first Concept on your student learning map. 3. Follow the directions given in all other slides to explore the levels of organization of living things.
Key Learning Cells are the basic unit of living things. Unit Essential Question How does understanding cells and how they work increase our knowledge of living things?
Concept From Cells to Ecosystems
1. Read page B6 in your textbook. 2.Characteristics of Living Things-lab activityCharacteristics of Living Things-lab activity 1.Click on the link above. 2.Read the “Objective” and “Getting Started.” 3.Click here and fill in the six characteristics of living things under the “Review” section and save in “My Documents” as characteristics_your name. (Don’t write “your name”…fill your actual name in there.) The answers are found on the next slide for reference later. 4.Follow the directions on the online worksheet for the remainder of the activity. How do living things differ from nonliving things?
Characteristics of living things (ANSWERS) 1.Nutrition- need food 2.Respiration- use energy 3.Excretion- get rid of wastes 4.Response and movement- 5.Growth- and develop 6.Reproduction Please have your student learning map out to fill in the first essential question on the next slide. (under the concept “From Cells to Ecosystems”)
1. Read page B7 & 8 in your textbook. 2.Click here to read “The history of the Microscope”.here 3.Read page B9-10 in your textbook. 4.Click on the next few slides to view the different types of cells that make up your body. What is the basic unit of living things?
Blood Cells
Nerve Cell organs/nervous/nerve_cell1.jpg
Bone Cell ixels.jpg
Skeletal Muscle Cell bs/skeletal_muscle.jpg
Skin Cell
4 Main Groups of Human Tissues muscle nervous tissue epithelial tissue connective tissue
o Click here to view slides of these four types of tissue in an online microscope o Click through slides for more details and pictures about these tissues.
Muscle intercalated discs Designed to contract and move
Nervous Tissue Designed to transport messages
Epithelial Tissue stratified epithelium lining trachea (respiratory system) Designed to cover, protect, absorb, and line
Connective Tissue cartilageboneblood fat
uk/kids/cellsrus/ cellsrus.html Read the story of a cell! Click on the link below.
Resources ivities/classroom/characteristics/ca_characteristics. phphttp:// ivities/classroom/characteristics/ca_characteristics. php gle=1http:// gle=1