In each of these problems, you are to move all the solid arrows to the position of the dotted arrow or arrows, using the conversion factors we have encountered in class so far. Sometimes more than one conversion factor will be needed; try to use as few as possible. Sketch the transforms on the diagram, and write down the conversion factor, but do not attempt to evaluate any values The first problem has been solved for you.
Problem Solution F1F1 F2F2 P = F 1 (P/F,i,3) + F 2 (P/F,i,5) (P/F,i,3) (P/F,i,5)
Problem 1 F1F1 F2F2 P = F 1 (F/P,i,1) + F 2 (P/F,i,1)
Problem 2 A P = A(P/A,i,4)
Problem 3 A P = A(F/A,i,4)(F/P,i,1)
Problem 4 A B P = (B+A(P/A,I,4))(F/P,i,5)
Problem 5 A P = A((F/P,i,1)+(F/P,i,3)+F/P,i,5))
Problem 6 A P A = P(A/P,i,5)
Problem 7 A P A = P(F/P,i,1)(A/P,i,5)
Problem 8 A P G 2G 3G 4G 5G A = G(A/G,i,6)
Problem 9 P G 2G 3G 4G 5G P = G(A/G,i,6)(P/A,i,6)
Problem 10 P G 2G 3G 4G 5G P = G(A/G,i,6)(F/A,i,6)(F/P,i,1)
Problem 11 P G 2G 3G 4G 5G A P = (G(A/G,i,6)+A)(P/A,I,6)
Problem 12 P G 2G 3G 4G 5G A F P = (G(A/G,i,6)+A)(P/A,I,6) – F(P/F,i,7)