Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2
Year 3 Mrs. Husain (3NH) Mr. Robinson (3MR) Mrs. Cavanagh (3AC) The Teachers Year 4 Mrs. Friar (4CF) Miss Baron (4KB) Mrs. Loughran (4ML)
The Rainbow Room Mrs. Garner The Teachers PPA - Wednesday (Y4)/Thursday (Y3) Mrs. Carter Mrs. Ward Miss. Hylton
Swimming Year 3 is entitled to swimming. Each child gets 1 hour swimming. Each class will go swimming for 6 months. 3NH and 3MR will swim from September to mid February. 3AC will swim from mid Feb to July. Boys need swimming trunks not shorts. Girls need one piece swimming kit. Swimming hats have become compulsory so are provided at the cost of £1.
Miss McGuiness Mrs. Khan Miss Johnson Miss Brogan Mrs Eppleston Mr Bradburn Mrs. Rahman Teaching Assistants
The Curriculum Year 3Year 4 Autumn I’m A GeographerAncient Greece Spring RomansThe Rainforest Summer Stone AgeThe Terrible Tudors
Reading At Home Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week at home
Reading At Home Please read stories to your children at bedtime
Reading At Home Visit the local library together Share recipes you may be cooking together Share suitable sections of newspapers, magazines and comics Have a book shelf at home Talk about books together
Spellings Spellings will be given once a week. Please help your child to learn their spellings by testing them at home.
The School Website
Presentation of Work Presentation Policy Pencil or Pen (Year 3) Blue handwriting pen (Year 4) Neat joined up handwriting – Penpals Handwriting Scheme
Uniform School shoes Hair bobbles Jewellery Label all uniform Shirts tucked in
P.E. Kit Pumps or trainers Plain red t-shirt (no football kits) Black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms/leggings Swimming kit (Year 3)
Homework Set on a Friday/Returned on a Monday Talk Homework Times Tables/Mental Skills Reading Blogging
Healthy Food Snacks Packed lunches Healthy school dinners
Classroom Organisation Class Fund Water Bottle Picking up and dropping off Library times
Trips and activities Year 4 Sir Teachalot (Autumn) Year 3 Trip to Manchester Art Gallery (Autumn) After School Clubs/ Lunchtime Clubs Year 3 Chester (Spring) Year 4 Chester Zoo (Spring) KS2 - Theatre Trip (December)
Reporting to Parents Parents’ Evening – Autumn and Spring End of Year Reports Targets – Literacy and Numeracy Teachers available before and after school Open Day - October
Thank you for listening – the teachers will now be available to answer any questions