Close the window.
Open the door.
Go to the door.
go to the beach. Let’s 我们去海滩吧
Let’s = let us (让)我们 Let’s go to the door. Let’s go to the beach.
Let’s fly a kite.
Let’s get in the bus.
Let’s get off the train.
Play in the park. Let’s play in the park.
play on the beach. Let’s 我们在海滩上玩吧
shell s
Pick up shells. Let’s 我们捡贝壳吧
Let’s go to the beach. Let’s play on the beach. Let’s pick up shells.
winteris cold.
springsummer autumn winter
Summer is hot.
hot He is hot.
sun The sun is hot.
Summer is hot. The sun is hot.
cloud is white.
sand is brown.
I’m sorry. I’m OK.
Summer summer 是夏天 ,夏天 summer 闷又热 Sun sun 是太阳,太阳 sun 当空照 Cloud cloud 是云彩 ,云彩 cloud 天上飘 Sand sand 是沙土, 沙土 sand 脚下踩 Beach beach 是沙滩, 沙滩 beach 软绵绵 Shell Shell 是贝壳, 贝壳 Shell 真美丽 Hot hot 真是热, summer summer too hot.
sun sand hot
summer beach cloud shell
Aa apple Bb bird Cc cat Dd dog Ee egg Ff fish Gg girl Hh hand I i ice-cream Jj jelly Kk kite Ll light Mm moon Nn nose
Oo open Pp pencil Qq quilt Rr rubber Ss sweet Tt tree Uu umbrella Vv van Ww wind Xx x-ray
Y y yellow yes young
Summer summer 是夏天 ,夏天 summer 闷又热 Sun sun 是太阳,太阳 sun 当空照 Cloud cloud 是云彩 ,云彩 cloud 天上飘 Sand sand 是沙土, 沙土 sand 脚下踩 Beach beach 是沙滩, 沙滩 beach 软绵绵 Shell Shell 是贝壳, 贝壳 Shell 真美丽 Hot hot 真是热, summer summer too hot.
summer sun shell beach cloud sand hot
Let’s go to the beach. I’m OK. Let’s play on the beach. Let’s pick up shells. I’m sorry.
Summer is hot.
sun The sun is hot.
…is/ are hot/cold. Let’s ….
The sun is hot. Let’s sit under the umbrella.
The water is cold. Let’s swim in the water.
The sand is hot. Let’s sit on the beach.
The ice-cream is cold. Let’s eat ice-cream on the chair.