Environmental Education, Technology, and Sustainable Educators Sponsored by: Southern California Gas Company Grant & CalState LA
What is Environmental Education? The process in which allows individuals to explore any environmental issues, engage in problem solving and most importantly take action to improve the environment. The process in which allows individuals to explore any environmental issues, engage in problem solving and most importantly take action to improve the environment. Develop a deeper understanding and be able to transfer their knowledge to others. Develop a deeper understanding and be able to transfer their knowledge to others.
Building a Community using Technology Website Website Facebook Facebook
In what ways can you teach students? Expand your knowledge with the desire of learning. Expand your knowledge with the desire of learning. Put your new knowledge and understanding in practice and teach others. Put your new knowledge and understanding in practice and teach others. Have students? Incorporate your understanding and knowledge into your curriculum. Have students? Incorporate your understanding and knowledge into your curriculum. Technology Technology Projects Projects
Incorporating Technology EekoWorld ( E nvironmental E ducation for K ids O nline) features an engaging and interactive format that invites children to explore, experiment, and collaborate as they learn about conservation and the environment. Interactive Yard Learning about where you Live and the Biology of Plants
Links on this page are to interactive games and activities. Links on this page are for interactive activities that students can use on classroom computers.
Environment Awareness Applications and Games Taptu Guardian Environment : Phone application in Google Play. Environmental news Environmental blogs
Environment Tips : Phone application in Google Play. Tips on how to go green.
“National Geographic's PlanIt Green video game gives players the opportunity to transform a city into a thriving eco- community.” Complete several eco-friendly projects that will improve the quality of life for the residents, animals and agriculture in the game. Available for PC and Mac.
“Fate of the World is a strategy game geared towards older children and gives the player complete control of the future of the Earth. The player is responsible for protecting our planet's resources and climate. This game covers all 12 regions of our planet and shows more than 1,000 impacts on the environment giving you the technology to make world-changing events and watching them happen right before your eyes.” For ages 12 and older, available for PC and Mac.
Choose your environment. Environmental impacts.
Some other games/activities links… Wilderdom: (Environmental Education Activities & Games ) Wilderdom: (Environmental Education Activities & Games ) s.html s.html s.html s.html Ecogamer.ORG ( : Ecogamer.ORG (Serious Games About Environmentalism & Social Awareness): Play, Learn, and Have Fun! (Environmental Games and Activities for Rangers and Schools) Play, Learn, and Have Fun! (Environmental Games and Activities for Rangers and Schools) 20and%20activities%20booklet.pdf 20and%20activities%20booklet.pdf 20and%20activities%20booklet.pdf 20and%20activities%20booklet.pdf
Incorporating Technology b/index.cfm# b/index.cfm# b/index.cfm# b/index.cfm# ecology/ecoindex.html ecology/ecoindex.html ecology/ecoindex.html ecology/ecoindex.html