General overview MIGRATION is a complex phenomenon, involving many aspects of social and individual life. - At the origin of a migration choice there is a compulsory need to survive, running away from a danger or in any case the willingness to improve the standard of life. - Sometimes the willingness to migrate and locational choice may be influenced by others' choices or plans, like other familiars previously migrated. Nevertheless the most of the times, the “migration road” is not planned and organized. It represents a travel towards the “unknown”. -The lack of knowledge and of plan is one of the origins of the problems the migrants meet all along their way, from the origin place, through the crossing countries, till the destination place. - Migration is not likely to decrease, despite proposals for restrictive policies and Europe becomes increasingly attractive for migrants. - Migration brings its own challenges, but it is also offering skills and social capital, which would otherwise not be available in Europe. - Mobility as a strategy can be empowering, a resource, a tool for social innovation and important dimension of social capital - if under migrants’ own control. But mobility may reflect increased dependencies above all for specific weak categories, proliferation of precarious jobs and, as in the case of trafficking in women or traveling children, lack of mobility and freedom for women and children on the move.
Migration: a SOCIAL phenomenon. Interculturality/social cohesion How can regions encourage intercultural understanding between their citizens and social cohesion? A Communication strategy is needed. Each region has responsibility to promote positive effects of migration and to highlight the benefits of a multicultural society. What is the correct balance between social, education and communication policies that should be applied? Even if in Europe different approaches to the phenomenon exist (i.e. integration approach in the UK, assimilation approach in France, etc), a common response emerges: local communities and new comers look for a peaceful co-existence and mutual understanding. Regional education, housing policies, linguistic training can help to achieve this main objective.
Migration: an ECONOMIC phenomenon. Flows of Human Capital/Labour market/ Economic Growth What measures can be taken in order to ensure a sustainable migration flow and to address the “brain drain” problem? Regions should focus on more long-term planning of their labour market and exchange information about labour shortages and opportunities. What can regions do in order to retain their labour force and also to attract workers from the outside in order to stimulate economic growth -Regions can focus their development strategies on the potential of clusters, on innovative service sectors, on investment in research and development -Migration is an opportunity for business, so regions should work together with the employers and trade unions
The regional “point of view” of the phenomenon How can regions contribute to national migration policies? Regions and local authorities are more directly concerned with the phenomenon, Concretely they provide the direct services and have a deeper knowledge of the situation. Regions can help to collect more valid and reliable data and statistics Regions should be more involved in the development of national and European policies on migration issues. Regions can contribute to develop specific interventions and operative structures as to provide information, consultancy and training services to the would - be emigrants (in the origin regions) in order to contrast illegal immigration, favourite more aware decisions and individual strategies and favour their social and economic inclusion in the recipient countries
Proposals The AER should make MIGRATION, one of its priority issues. The AER, committee 3 should continue to work on the integration of migrant children