Informetrics, bibliometrics, scientometrics, altmetrics: What is it all about? SIGMet-sponsored panel at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2014, Seattle Tuesday Nov :30 More information:
Use Case: a) You work in a tenure committee. Two candidates have similar CVs but you need a decision by the end of the day. Only one candidate can get tenure. You want to choose the candidate with the most impact. How can you find out who is the one?
Use Case: b) You finished an exciting research project and gained some spectacular results. Unfortunately, with the end of the project you also lost your job at the university. What would be the best strategy to get the most out of the results so that you will quickly find a new and better paid job?
Use Case: c) You are new in a discipline and just started your PhD. Your advisor asked you to summarize the most influential literature on a certain topic. Unfortunately, you do not really know where to start your search. You know that you can use the library but the summary is due in two weeks. What would help in determining what literature is a must- read and finding it?
Use Case: d) Budgets are always decreasing. You know that some of the researchers of your institution favour particular journals and demand access to them. However, you are not sure if these journals are really the best buy. What could help you with that decision?
Use Case: e) You consider yourself a researcher and you work in a scientific environment in large research groups. Mostly you develop software or generate large data sets. Oftentimes you engage with the public since your research has been reported in newspapers and blogs. Also, politicians seek your advice. Since all of that is very time-consuming your publication list is rather short. But there is that job offer, searching for engaged and influential researchers. How can you still satisfy?