4 Purposes of Drama 1) Sharing the human experience 2)Passing on tradition and culture 3)Recreational 4)Artistic Expression
Draw this on your paper for your notes: Passing on tradition & culture Sharing the human experience Definition: Examples: Definition: Examples: Artistic Expression Recreational Definition: Examples: Definition: Examples:
Sharing the Human Experience To express or communicate emotions, feelings, ideas, and information through dramatic works Examples: social change, communicating universal themes, interpreting information, ideas, & emotions
Passing on Tradition and Culture To express or communicate ideas, feelings, and information Examples: narratives, storytelling, folktales, religious rituals/ceremonies, jump rope rhymes, hand claps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqyC_qmdi2o http://www.ket.org/artstoolkit/drama/preview/powerofstorytelling.htm
Recreational Drama as recreation for recreational events Examples: for festivals, entertainment, diversion
Artistic Expression Drama created with the intent to express or communicate emotion, feelings, ideas, or information Examples: theatrical settings for audiences