ECE 576 – Power System Dynamics and Stability PSCAD Demo Example Uses: Study the transient effects of distributed generation such as wind and micro-turbines on the grid. Investigate instabilities due to harmonic resonance or control interactions. Effect of transmission line imbalances on the system performance during contingencies. Study interactions between SVCs, HVDC and other non-linear devices.
Example 2.1
PSCAD Terminology Master “Components” Library Project “Canvas” Build Project Run Project (after Building) Workspace Welcome Page
Dual Viewing Drag the “master” tab away from the canvas tab to stack the windows side by side. Drag and Drop components by holding down Ctrl before dragging.
Right Clicking Canvas Canvas Component Used to paste the component elsewhere as an image. Meta-file is a high-quality image, bitmap is average quality.
Example 2.1 in PSCAD individual components are boxed
Source Enter RMS voltage magnitudes Yes, the source is grounded. The problem gives you the sinusoidal voltage amplitude – convert this into an RMS value. Yes, the source is grounded. Can go with an ideal source and add a separate resistance (if desired). If non-ideal, make sure to navigate to the correct impedance type in the droplist!
Breakers (Our “Switch”) We go from “Open” to “Closed” One breaker operation at 0.0001s Blue = Data Signal Name The Data Signal Name MUST match the component name shown in configuration.
TLine and Impedance Travelling Wave Models Bergeron ** Frequency (Mode or Phase) ACSR conductors are stranded (unlike solid-cores) GMR for a conductor bundle vs. GMR for a stranded conductor Impedances No droplists, only their inductance/resistance/capacitance values
Conductors ACSR Falcon conductor which has a GMR of 0.052 feet, an outer diameter of 1.545 inches and dc resistance of 0.0587 ohms per mile. Further assume the conductors are spaced 25 feet apart. Use 120 mile length. Can use the defaults for all other values.
Voltage and Current Outputs
Completed PSCAD Project Created the “ECE 576 …” text using the “Imports, Exports, and & Labels” subcategory.
Other Tips Zoom: Undo/Redo: Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y respectively hold down Ctrl and scroll up or down using your mouse wheel. + and – keys on your numpad Undo/Redo: Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Y respectively Rotate/Mirror/Flip Components: Select the component and press R / M / F Choosing a component: Right-click Canvas -> Add Components Workspace: Master Library -> Choose subcategory Click the “masterMain” tab directly Backspace exits a subcategory. Note that components have separate 3phase and 1phase versions This may be the reason for your “dimension mismatch” errors One space between the parameter values and its units! Units are always in brackets (“[mi]” = miles) See Help -> PSCAD -> Operations and Feature -> Creating a New Project -> Unit System for the correct abbreviations and prefixes.