2005 Headcount
2006 Headcount
2007 Headcount
2008 Headcount
2009 Headcount
2010 Headcount
2011 Headcount
2012 Headcount
2013 Headcount
2014 Headcount
COB Enrollment
COB Enrollment Trends
Enrollment By Discipline
Credit Hour Production
Credit Hour Production – 2014 (Part 2)
Full Time Equivalent Teaching Faculty 25 Full Time Faculty 4 Adjuncts
Instructional Compensation per Undergraduate Credit Hour
Instructional Compensation per Undergraduate Credit Hour (Part 2)
Instructional Revenue Per Under Graduate Credit Hour
Instructional Revenue Per Under Graduate Credit Hour (Part 2)
Freshman Headcount
Sophomore Headcount
Junior Headcount
Senior Headcount
Graduate Headcount
Third Semester Retention
Undergraduate Degrees Awarded
Undergraduate Degree Rates
Total Headcount
Total Credit Hour Comparison
COB Scoreboard
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Michigan AACSB SchoolsMBAMS - ACTCyberRMINS Central Michigan UniversityYYY*Y Eastern Michigan UniversityYYYY Grand Valley UniversityYY Michigan State UniversityYYY Michigan Technological UniversityYY Northern Michigan UniversityYNYY Oakland UniversityYY Saginaw Valley State UniversityYN University of Detroit MercyYYY The University of MichiganYY The University of Michigan - DearbornYY The University of Michigan - FlintYN Y Wayne State UniversityYY Western Michigan UniversityYY