General Format
Introduction – End paragraph with Thesis Statement! Ways to Introduce – (Have you tried these?) Use a famous quote Ask questions Cite statistics or startling facts Create an appropriate anecdote Describe a scene
One or more paragraphs setting the research topic. Consider your audience – What do they know? What do they need to know to connect with your argument?
Body of Argument – Think Separate Paragraphs! Point One – back up your idea with support from research by quoting, paraphrasing, and / or summarizing. Point Two – back up idea with research support by quoting, paraphrasing and / or summarizing. Point Three, etc…
Rebuttal opinion supported by research again quoting, paraphrasing, and or summarizing!
Ending summary paragraph Reflect main points of body argument…tell where you’ve taken the audience! Restate thesis…be clear on your position! Will these have the typical “Call to Action” – No, argumentation stands on logos evidence… Questions?