A nswer the following questions in your notebooks, reading the textbook from Chapter Six, Section Four and this handout: (1) What was the problem with the money supply? (2) What did farmers and their political supporters want to achieve regarding the money supply? (3) What is William Jennings Bryan referring to when he uses the metaphor the “Cross of Gold” in this famous speech?
- U nrest in Rural America … - D eflation … - T he Money Supply … - T he Crime of ‘73 … - H ow this especially hurts farmers … - T he Great Deflation, 1870 to 1890 …
Economic Benefits Citizens increasingly became wage earners instead of farmers GNP per capita more than doubled
- F armers Organize … - T he Grange … - C ooperatives … and E xchanges … - T he Farmer’s Alliance … - T he Subtreasury Plan …
- P opulist P arty & P opulism … - P opulism … - P opulist Party … - T he F armer’s A lliance & the P opulist P arty supported the following … -The free coinage of silver -Regulation of railroads -Against tariffs -Women suffrage -Direct election of Senators -National banking system -Graduated Income tax -Eight-hour workday -Immigration restrictions
- A Young William Jennings Bryan Other Questions to Consider: (1) What is William Jennings Bryan referring to when he uses the metaphor the “Cross of Gold” in this famous speech? (2) He traveled 18,000 miles days before the election campaigning across the country, but what does the handout call this? (3) What will happen to cities if the farms in this country die? (4) What was the response to his speech?
Presidential Election of 1896 How was the Presidential Election of 1896 a major turning point in American politics? William Jennings Bryan William McKinley