Gov Final Essays Two essays: responses should be 3 paragraphs each
Options : Choose 1 of 4 Roe v Wade and Bakke v Univ. of CA-abortion and affirmative action decisions in 1970s -explain background, ruling, and importance to American society Agree / disagree w / rulings and why
-Supreme Court does not always rule in a just manner ex. Plessy v Ferguson (1896) and Korematsu v U.S. (1944)-explain background, ruling, and importance to American society…how do those rulings reflect the context of the time period the decisions were given?
SC decisions in Brown v Board of Education and Obergefell v Hodges-show an activist approach…explain why…what precedents did they each overturn and why are they important to American society?
Mapp v Ohio and Miranda v Arizona SC decisions that protected the rights of the accused but remain controversial because guilty people can go free based on procedural issues / technicalities..explain background, ruling and importance of cases…do you agree or disagree with rulings and why?
Mandatory Question Which branch of government do you believe is the most powerful? Why? Use specific evidence / actual powers each branch has to support your point of view