Personal Experiences & Career Benefits of Initiating & Participating in Researcher Networks Dr Anastasia Callaghan Reader, University of Portsmouth UKRSA SE Regional Representative
Researcher Networks Who are researchers? higher education employees who actively engage in the delivery and direction of research projects, not usually on tenured positions as academic staff usually includes research technicians, postdoctoral associates and fellows What is a researcher network? Committee Group Association Forum Staff representatives Society Postdoc Early Career Researchers Researchers Research Staff
Researcher Networks Who are researchers? higher education employees who actively engage in the delivery and direction of research projects, not usually on tenured positions as academic staff usually includes research technicians, postdoctoral associates and fellows What is a researcher network? Committee Group Association Forum Staff representatives Society Postdoc Early Career Researchers Researchers Research Staff “group of research staff working together to represent the views and experiences of their constituents on a range of issues and/or to organise events.” UKRSA No rules!
Personal Experiences To support me in setting up the RSF – advice from UKRSA
Personal Experiences To support me in setting up the RSF – advice from UKRSA Led to me becoming the South East Rep for UKRSA - Part of the Vitae research staff advisory group - Vitae RDF Lens Working group - transitioning to independence - HR Excellence Panel – represent UKRSA - Support UKRSA projects - what researchers do next? - Parental leave project - Research Council/funder engagement - Career portfolios Personal Benefits - Institutional and external exposure - Greater awareness & understanding of HE landscape & current agendas - Skills development
Supporting Achievement of Career Goals In addition to UKRSA roles: Reader Included in the REF Active research group - Fellow, PostDocs, PhD students, MRes & MPhil students - significant grant income - basic and translational research - Research council and industry funded Member of the BBSRC’s Pool of Experts - grant assessments for responsive mode and iCASE studentships Member of BBSRC Committee D Unusual? Statistics show – UKRSA committee members have secured their chosen jobs in greater numbers than PostDocs in general Get involved, enhance your skills, secure a fulfilling and rewarding career
Local RSA Local RSA Set up an RSA/Network
South East RSA South East RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA
South East RSA South East RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Regional Reps Regional Reps
South East RSA South East RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Regional Reps Regional Reps
South East RSA South East RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Regional Reps Regional Reps Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs
North West RSA North West RSA East of England RSA East of England RSA London RSA London RSA South East RSA South East RSA South West & Wales RSA Midlands RSA Midlands RSA Yorkshire & North East RSA Scotland & NI RSA Regional Reps Regional Reps Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs
North West RSA North West RSA East of England RSA East of England RSA London RSA London RSA South East RSA South East RSA South West & Wales RSA Midlands RSA Midlands RSA Yorkshire & North East RSA Scotland & NI RSA Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs
North West RSA North West RSA East of England RSA East of England RSA London RSA London RSA South East RSA South East RSA South West & Wales RSA Midlands RSA Midlands RSA Yorkshire & North East RSA Scotland & NI RSA Committee Reps Co-Chairs Web / Secretary Vitae Liaison Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Regional Reps Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSA Local RSA Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs Local RSAs
Something to think about? What do you feel are the priority aims for a Sussex Postdoc Network? What format could Sussex’s Researcher Postdoc take? How would you like it to run? Who’s support do you have? Who’s support do you need? Clear evidence that Researcher Networks benefit the individuals involved as well as the institution and research culture What’s stopping you?
Thanks for listening Any questions?