Welcome everyone to Large Group worship! Ask them about their week as everyone files in to the room. Once everyone arrives… Welcome back to another incredible week of “Live Out Loud”. Does anyone remember what it means to “Live Out Loud”? Allow answers
You got it! “Living out loud” means to live your life in a way that’s big and bold and pleasing to God. When you do that, the people around you will notice and want to follow Jesus too. During the “Live Out Loud” series, we’ll be hearing some of the earliest stories of Jesus’ life and we’ll be learning that when we follow His example, we live out loud!
That’s not the only thing we’ll be doing out loud today. Just like last week, I need you to do sound effects for the story. A sound effect is when you create a noise using your mouth, your body or something around you. Here, let me show you. Let’s create a sound effect for a passing thunderstorm.
Tell the kids to follow your lead. Gently rub your palms together back and forth. After a short time, begin repeatedly snapping your fingers to produce the sound of a heavier rain. Then, slap your hands on your legs. Next, stomp your feet. At the height of the storm, have someone flicker the lights on and off. Reverse the entire process until the room has returned to a light rain and then stop.
Wasn’t that so cool! Sound effects make great stories even better! And the stories we’re telling during the “Live Out Loud” series are not only great—they’re true! Now, lets review this month’s remember verse.. Tech: Cue Remember Verse Slide Christ has been raised from the dead by the Father’s glory. And like Christ, we can also have a new life.-Romans 6:4
Worship Time
In our story last week, Jesus was a 12 year old boy, but in today’s story, He’s a 30 year old man. In those days, Jesus had a cousin named John the Baptist who traveled through the dry, windy desert. Tech: Cue “Wind blowing” slide The prophets from long ago had actually talked about John. Look at what they said: Tech: Cue Verse Slide
A messenger is calling out in the desert, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord. Make straight paths for him.’ -Isaiah 40:3 And that’s exactly what John was. He was a messenger who prepared the way for Jesus by getting the people’s hearts ready. There was something about John, though, that was a little bit…well… different! What’s the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten? Take answers. That’s pretty gross, but John has you beat!
Tech: Cue John the Baptist Slide You see, John the Baptist wore clothes made out of camel’s hair and he ate honey and wild locusts. Can you imagine eating locusts?! Tech: Cue “Crunchy chewing” slide When people heard that John was in the area, they came to him from all over Jerusalem and Judea. Tech: Cue “Feet walking” slide
When John saw the people coming, he said to them, “You are like a nest of poisonous snakes.” Tech: Cue “Snake hissing” slide. He told them to stop doing wicked things and to turn away from their sins. And that’s exactly what the people did; they repented of the things they had done wrong and promised not to do them anymore!
After the people repented, John baptized them in the Jordan River. He would lower them into the water and then lift them back out. Tech: Cue “Splashing water” slide Just like water washes dirt away, baptism was a way of showing that their sins had been washed away.
Shortly afterwards, Jesus came from his home in Galilee to be baptized in the Jordan River. Not to show His sins had been washed away—Jesus didn’t have any sins. Instead, Jesus wanted to give an example for us to follow. When John saw Jesus approaching, he said, “Look! Point into the distance. The Lamb of God who comes to take away the sin of the world.”
Jesus asked John to baptize Him, but John tried to stop Jesus. Why do you think John tried to stop Jesus from being baptized? Allow answers. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says. Read Matthew 3:14-15 (Cue Slide) “John said, ‘I need to be baptized by you. So why do you come to me?’ Jesus replied, ‘Let it be this way for now. It is right for us to do this. It carries out God’s holy plan.’ Then John agreed.”
Tech: Cue Jesus baptized image And then, the most amazing thing happened! As soon as John lifted Jesus up out of the water, the Holy Spirit came down on him like a dove. Tech: Cue Wings Flapping Slide. Then, a voice from heaven spoke and said, PLAY “This is My Son” voice over
Have the kids turn to their small groups and discuss the following questions: What do you think this story teaches us about God? Why do you think baptism takes place in the water? If Jesus never sinned, why do you think it was part of God’s holy plan that he be baptized? After a few minutes, draw their attention back to the teaching area.
Have everyone come and sit on the floor in front of the stage. When you first think about it, baptism might seem kind of strange, but it’s not! Actually, baptism gives us some really cool pictures of what following Jesus looks like. Let me show you. Hold up a glass Mason jar for the kids to see.
Tell them that the jar is kind of like us. Talk about sins we commit and write them on the jar with the washable marker. When John baptized people, he would lower them into the water like this. Hold the glass jar under the water in the plastic bin for a short time. And then he would bring them back up. Bring the jar back out. The writing should wash off. Do you see what happened? The sins have been washed away.
When we have Jesus in our heart, His forgiveness washes the sin away. Baptism isn’t what washes our sins away, Jesus death and resurrection does. But baptism gives us a picture of what that looks like. Dry off the jar. Imagine now that the jar is Jesus. Jesus lived a perfect life. He never sinned or did anything wrong. But because He loves us, He died for our sins. Write “OUR SINS” with the washable marker.
When he died, he was buried in a tomb. Hold the jar under water. But three days later, He was resurrected. That means He was raised from the dead. Bring the jar back out of the water so that the words wash away. And for those people who follow Jesus, their sins are washed away. They can have a new life—free from the punishment of sin.
When Jesus was baptized, he gave us an example that we can still follow today. In fact, Jesus calls each one of His followers to be baptized. Being baptized is a big and bold way for Christians to obey Jesus and to “Live Out Loud”! It’s a way for us to show the world that Jesus’ death and resurrection has washed away our sins and gives us a new and never-ending life.
This morning, we got to see 4 people be baptized. All of them are now a part of God’s family and can live and know that Jesus has freed them of their sins! If you’ve been baptized, it’s great to talk to your parents and celebrate that day. If you haven’t been baptized, and you decide that you want to put your trust in Jesus, today is a great day to talk to your parents about being baptized!
Close by praying for the kids in whatever way the Holy Spirit prompts you. Then explain to the kids which of the GO! DEEP Reflect and Respond Stations will be available. Remind them to move about the stations very quietly. Tell them they are free to respond to God in whatever way the Holy Spirit leads them, but if they need suggestions, the stations will give them ideas for how to pray, write, or draw.
Introduce the GO! DEEP stations: Prayer Station Journal Station Art Station Tell the group to choose one station and read the instructions before beginning. Ask small group leaders to station themselves around the room to help if needed. Dismiss by grade after a few minutes Tech: Cue GO! DEEP Music Slide