EMODnet-Geology 4 th EMODNET Progress Meeting Brussels 7 th June 2011 Alan Stevenson (British Geological Survey) and project team.


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Presentation transcript:

EMODnet-Geology 4 th EMODNET Progress Meeting Brussels 7 th June 2011 Alan Stevenson (British Geological Survey) and project team

Overview Improvements in portal since last meeting Feedback MRAG evaluation report Timing of deliverables Compliance with INSPIRE 2

Greater North Sea; Celtic Sea; Baltic Sea 3

Main deliverables at 1:1 million scale Sea-bed sediments including rate of accumulation or sedimentation Sea-floor geology (age, lithology, origin) Boundaries and faults Rate of coastal erosion or sedimentation Geological events and event probabilities (landslides, volcanic, earthquake epicentres) Seismic profiles Minerals (including aggregates, oil and gas) 4

GeoHab May 5 Information workpackages WP3. Sea-bed sediment information (GTK Finland) WP4. Sea-floor geology (BGR, Germany) WP5. Coastal behaviour (TNO, Netherlands) WP6. Geological events and probabilities (NGU, Norway) WP 7. Minerals (GSI, Ireland)

EMODnet-Geology website 6


Sea-bed sediment layer

11 Confidence layer will provide representation of quality, accuracy and completeness of the background data

Bedrock lithology layer

Bedrock stratigraphy layer

Metadata for each layer 14

WP 5 Coastal behaviour EUROSION data used, complemented by data from Norway Updates of EUROSION have been provided by Lithuania, Belgium and Poland Transfer to WMS and OneGeology by end July 2011

Case study Netherlands  JARKUS: annual measurements of coastal profile since 1965  automated erosion/accretion for any time period after 1965  temporal variability

WP6 Earthquake data – courtesy of European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) 17

WP6 Submarine slides 18

EMSC have just launched a WMS which can be included in the OneGeology portal New service supports Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), WMS and WFS standards Use of these standards allows users to mix different layers using existing software, and gives the opportunity to aggregate information from different sources and areas EMSC is planning to make all data available through these standard web services

Estonia France Latvia Norway Poland Ireland Denmark Reference system WGS84 Data received to date WP7 Minerals & Aggregates

Minerals & Aggregates View Services Minerals & aggregates overlayed on OneGeology Offshore WMS Data layers will be published via OGC compliant WMS v 1.3 in June.

EMODNET Geology and One-GeologyEurope Compliance with INSPIRE Share methodologies and communications objectives Develop international exchange standard for geology (GeoSciML) Contributes to INSPIRE Implementing Rules OGE is registered as the European contribution to the geological layer for GEOSS and contributes to GMES. Data standards will be non-proprietory and include GeoSciML and other open web service technologies including ISO-9100 series, OGC, WMS (web map service), WFS, OGC WCS etc. Link to metadata services (e.g GeoSeas) 24

Feedback One from on-line questionnaire 2 nd interim report Relationship with GeoSeas GeoSeas CDIs have been requested as WMS/WFS Timetable for minerals WP Details of multilingual metadata Portal – speed of refresh is slow Not intuitive to reach OneGeology portal There should be similarities in look and feel between the EMODNET portals

Feedback from MRAG report Make marine data more prominent on website Provide link to DG Mare Add guidance/help on how to use the portal Inlcude metadata in same portal as terrestrial geological data and make clear how to search catalogue to retrieve just marine datasets – linkable from the portal rather than just 1GE Evaluate enforceability of licence conditions Re-visit the issue of the identity of the licensor

Next steps Complete all data layers and add to OneGeology by end July 2011 (end of project upgrade phase) Implement interface from EMODnet Geology portal to give clear access to marine information (under assessment) Add more information about EMODnet to portal and add links to other marine data services (end July) Commence maintenance phase of project Analysis of performance and sustainability etc. 27

Clarification for EC/MODEG meeting MRAG report ‘The geology portal was different from the others as it provided no raw data’ ‘Since access is obtained through the more general OneGeology portal, it can be hard to find the marine layers’ ‘The maps give an overview of the marine regions and are not suitable for local or regional scale analysis’ ‘The portal provides the map as a data product, but the background data is not downloadable’ Tender specifications ‘Lot 2 should adopt the standards and protocols used within OneGeology-Europe, which delivers interoperable geological data at 1:1 millon scale, to produce a contiguous map (using same INSPIRE-based standards)’ 28

Acknowledgements Anu Kaskela, Aarno Kotilainen, Ulla Alanen, Rhys Cooper, Helen Glaves, Sophie Green, Ingemar Cato, Ola Hallberg, Johan Nyberg, Liv Plassen, Terje Thorsnes, Jørgen Leth, Sten Suuroja, Tatjana Shadrina, Leonora Gelumbauskaite, Algimantas Grigelis, Szymon Uscinowicz, Wojchiech Jeglinski, Regina Kramarska, Kristine Asch, Annemiek Vink, Manfred Zeiler, Sytze Van Heteren, Vera Van Lancker, Fabien Paquet, Koen Verbruggen. The European Commission DG Mare 29