Transforming lives through learning CLD Annual Conference: October 29 th Putting our ambitions for community development into practice An overview of the national picture John Galt Education Scotland
‘ Our ambition is for Scotland to be a country where every person, regardless of circumstances: Has the right to take part in debating and shaping the society that we live in and the decisions we take. Can influence the decisions that affect them and their families and can trust in the decisions the people they elect make on their behalf. Has opportunities and support to lead their own change, with others and on their own. Has a voice in their local community and be able to play their part in making it a sustainable and enjoyable place to live.’ A Stronger Scotland Programme for Government
A Stronger Scotland Programme for Government : Actions Implement the provisions of the Community Empowerment Act Support participatory budgeting. Back local organisations by continuing the Empowering Communities Fund. Also: Lead the way in the UK in involving young people in the democratic process.
Transforming lives through learning Government’s programme has increased the focus on community development and community capacity building The Act must reach those who are not already empowered CLD role - supporting and building capacity within communities to respond. CLD’s role
Transforming lives through learning Most local authority areas in Scotland now have a CLD plan agreed, as a result of the Regulations. Plans describe the work that the local authority and partners are doing to achieve two broad outcomes: 1.improved life chances for people of all ages, through learning, personal development and active citizenship 2.stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities. Partners looking at the published plans and drawing out key national priorities and areas of interest 2013 CLD (Scotland) Regulations
Transforming lives through learning SG Community Empowerment Unit Implementation of the CE Act, Participatory Budgeting, Empowering Communities Fund etc Policy lead for community development Education Scotland Inspection and review Policy lead for community learning and development Building capacity in the CLD sector
Transforming lives through learning Evidence of impact on communities from 200 learning community inspections, Reviewing the inspection model Inspection 'try-outs' will look at 3 Development Trusts and 3 Creative Scotland Place awards 2 Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) with local authorities Aspect reports CLD inspectors continue to be part of secondary school inspections Inspection and review
Transforming lives through learning CLD conversation, Coatbridge January 2015 Top priorities identified were: -Create a national strategy/ set of ambitions for community development that joins national policy with delivery ‘on the ground.’ -Workforce training on key aspects of the CE Act. -Support more accredited courses in CD. -Develop communities of practice around community development; facilitate clusters of areas meeting together to share practice, ideas and benchmarking. -Develop a clear national evidence base to support practice.
Current workforce development priorities around community development and community capacity building, Partner's discussion, October What do you see as the current learning and development priorities to support effective community development and community capacity building practice? 2. What are the learning and development implications for the CLD sector in the Programme for Government around to tackling inequalities, empowering communities and renewing democracy? Programme for Government 3. What learning and development does your organisation or network offer the CLD sector? What do you know about its impact? 4. What are the most effective community development/CCB tools/training courses? How can we make use of or promote these better? 5. What’s missing from what is currently on offer and how can we work together to fill the gaps?
Current workforce development priorities around community development and community capacity building, Partner's discussion, October 2015 A wide variation of knowledge and experience of CD across all sectors. Training for practitioners without a CLD background CD practitioners need to refresh their skills & understanding Strategic leadership – understanding CD processes. Focus on key skills for neighbourhood work Focus on specific aspects of the CE Act and cross sectoral approaches to prevention, early intervention, co-production. Opportunities to network and share good practice are a priority The consortium approach, involving all sectors enables partners to share knowledge and capacity. All sectors need to be engaged and involved in taking this forward - wider than current networks. A national vision for community development still necessary. Guidance for CPPs on supporting community development.
Current workforce development priorities around community development and community capacity building, Partner's discussion, October 2015 Research the CD learning needs of workforce Map community development learning pathways Share information and discuss next steps with other key stakeholders National policy/guidance on community development