Marketing:Creativity, Limitless! Budget, Grounded! 2004 Mid Atlantic Conference of the National Medical Library Association Raleigh NC Susan Hardee Director Wake AHEC Medical Library Raleigh NC Helen Colevins User Services Coordinator Wake AHEC Medical Library Raleigh NC WakeAHEC Library celebrates National Medical Librarians Month 2003 “SURF SMART”
2003 Surf Smart at Wake AHEC
Hundreds of North Carolina Boating guides were given away
50 Posters were offered as door prizes, 4 were framed as grand prizes
Open House 140 guests Midnight Madness 110 guests 36 hours booth time at benefit fairs for 6000 employees
Duplicate benefit fair representation at regional hospitals without libraries Recognition of Medical Librarians in our region Take Off Points
Making Flight Connections 48 Classes offered in 2004 Learning Link, online education modules and new Micromedex
National Medical Librarians Month /resources/nml-month/