By: Xavier Robles-Giron
During an earthquakes the tectonic plates grind together and the rocks then absorb the pressure caused by this grinding. But if the pressure is to great for the rocks to handle they shatter releasing shock waves onto the surface. These shock waves the cause tremors on the surface These tremors can then shake and destroy buildings, rip apart gas and electric lines, and cause fires because of the ripped gas and electric lines.
An earthquake is caused by the movement of the tectonic plates that make up the Earth’s outer crust. These tectonic plates are slowly moved by the semi- molten layer below the crust. After a period of time the tectonic plates either collide, grind, or pull apart. Earthquakes mostly occur at a fault line when two tectonic plates meet and grind against each other.
Most earthquakes, like volcanic eruptions, occur on or near the edges of earths tectonic plate. These edges are most commonly found at a place called the “Ring of Fire”. This name was given to the area beneath the Pacific Ocean, where the vast Pacific Plates lie. Japan, the Philippines, New Zealand, and the western coast of North and South America all lie in this major fault zone.
The greatest earthquake in the world was in Chile on May 22, 1960 This earthquake then Caused a Tsunami that reached other Countries. The Magnitude of this earthquake was a 9.5 Damage: Chile-Approximately 1,655 were killed, 3,000 injured, 2,000,000 Homeless, and $550 Million in damage Hawaii- 61 deaths and $75 Million in damage Japan- 138 deaths and $59 million in damage Philippines- 32 dead and missing West Coast of the U.S.- $500,000 in damage
The Greatest earthquake in the U.S. was in the Price William Sound, Alaska. The Magnitude of this earthquake was a 9.2 This earthquake then formed a tsunami that also helped to kill people in Alaska This Earthquake had caused damage to many cities like, Anchorage, Chitina, Glennallen, Homer, Hope, Kasilof, Kenai, Kodiak, Moose Pass, Portage, Seldovia, Seward, Sterling, Valdez, Wasilla, and Whittier Of all these cities the worst damaged was Anchorage because about 30 blocks of buildings and houses had been destroyed Damage: Alaska- 128 deaths (113 from the tsunami and 15 from the earthquake) and $311 million in property damage
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