Renaissance Art Portfolio Art Portfolio: Create a Renaissance art portfolio that you can print and take notes on. 1.Find an image of each of the 19 things listed below » Which particular image is less important than your ability to recognize it » Make sure you have the correct picture 2. Create a document (powerpoint or word) with each of your images on it. Allow space for 3-5 bulleted points for each item as we discuss them in class No More than ½ page per item please. 3. You must include the following for each: Title of piece/ name of building Artist/ architect/ creator Year built/ painted/ sculpted/ created, etc. Space for 3-5 bullet point notes on each thing
The List: Architecture: – The Duomo/ Brunelleschis Dome/ Santa Maria del Fiore – St. Peters Bascillica (Vatican) – Palazzo Vecchio – Piazza della Signoria Art: Michelangelo: David La Pieta Sistine Chapel (including The Last Judgment) The Captives Drawings Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa The Last Supper Drawings Any 3 machines
The List Contd: Ghiberti Baptistry Doors Jan Van Eyck: Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife Giovanna Cenami (The Arnolfini Marriage) Donatello: David Sandro Botticelli: Birth of Venus Raphael: Marriage of the Virgin School of Athens