Gastrointestinal tract II. Histology and embryology
Digestive tube Esophagus Ventricle - gaster Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus
Esophagus –stratified squamous nonkeratinising epithelium –lamina propria mucosae – distally esophageal cardial glands –in submucosis mucinous glands - gl. oesophagicae –proximally skeletal musculature –adventitia – serosa only in short abdominal part
Slide – Esophagus HE
Gaster tunica mucosa –areae gastricae foveolae gastricae –simple columnar epi - mucous production –lamina propria mucosae gastrical glands, lymphatic follicles tunica muscularis –inner - fibrae obliquae –medial - circular - m. sphincter pylori –outer - longitudinal
Tunica mucosa of gaster gastric pits deeper in pyloric part glands enter these pits –gl. cardiacae - deep –gl. gastricae propriae –gl. pyloricae - shallow
Gastric cells main cells- pepsinogen, lipase parietal cells- HCl, intrinsic factor abundant intracellular channels mucinous cells – mucous enteroendocrine cells - gastrin, somatostatin undiferentiated cells - mitotically active
Synthesis of HCl in parietal cells Cl - - from plasma H + - from H 2 CO 3 –by carboanhydrase from CO 2 and H 2 O
Slide – Cardia of gaster HE
Slide – Fundus of gaster HE
Intestinum tenue (= small intestine) duodenum jejunum ileum mesenterium - radix mesenterii plicae circulares, villi intestinales
Tunica mucosa of small int. plicae circulares (Kerkringi) villi Crypts of Lieberkühn simple columnar epithelium lamina propria mucosae –vessels, smooth muscles, lymph. foll.
Cells of small int. mucosa enterocytes - resorption –microvilli, interdigitations, lipid droplets goblet cells – mucus production Paneth cells – lysozym production endocrine cells - 12 types –cholecystokinin, sekretin M-cells - over Peyer‘s plates (later) undiferentiated cells
Villi digit- to leaf-formed elements about 10times surface enlargement surface – enterocytes, goblet cells smooth muscle „skeleton“ lot of capillaries lymphatic, so called lacteal vessels
Other layers of small int. wall Tela submucosa –in duodenum – glands of Brunner tuboalveolar mucinous alkalic secretion –mainly in ileum – Peyer‘s plates acumulation of lymphatic tissue other layer correnspond to standard form of git tube
Slide – Pylorus – duodenum HE
Slide – Duodenum HE
Slide – Small intestine HE
Mucosa of large intestine no folds and villi crypts of Lieberkühn are deeper –enterocytes – less of microvilli –goblet cells are numerous –Paneth cells are missing –endocrine cells are present
Other layers of large intestine wall tunica muscularis externa –inner circular - haustrations –outer longitudinal – reduced to taenie coli tunica serosa –appendices epiploicae – adipous tissue
Slide – Colon HE
Appendix vermiformis Paneth cells are present lamina propria mucosae –fulfilled with lymphatic tissue = noduli lymphoidei aggregati („tonsilla abdominalis“) longitudinal musculature surrounds it completely – no taenie
Slide – Appendix vermiformis HE
Intestinum rectum pars pelvina –plicae transversales recti - semilunar –contains circular muscle layer canalis analis –zona haemorrhoidalis - m. sphincter ani int. columnae anales (6-10) change of epithelium – stratified squamous nonkeratinising anal plexus – cavernous body –zona cutanea – keratinising epithelium glandulae circumanales (sweat and apocrine)