Introduction & Conclusion Essay Outline Introduction & Conclusion
Introduction – 1st Paragraph Purpose: Introduce your topic, give some background, state your thesis. Contains: Hook Link sentence Background information Thesis statement
The Hook (aka “Grabber,” “Lead sentence”) Purpose of the hook sentence is to . There are several ways to write your hook. State a startling fact or statistic Use a quote Create an ‘Imagine if’ scenario Set the mood with vivid, specific details Exaggeration or Outrageous Statement
Examples (There’s more; these are just a few.) State an interesting fact Ex: Stand up paddling improves balance, coordination, and strength. State a startling statistic Ex: One in five surfers die from shark attacks every year. Use a quote Ex: “Eddie would go” is a famous quote that became popular after the death of Eddie Aikau.
Last Examples Set the mood Create a scenario Ex: The smooth waves rippled as my paddle dipped gently into its calm surface. Create a scenario Ex: Imagine the roar of the ocean, 20 ft. waves pounding the shore, and the rush of adrenaline as the next set comes in. Exaggeration or Outrageous Statement Ex: The waves at Jaws were 100 ft. high!
Let’s Practice writing a hook Topic and thesis statement: Baldwin has one of the best football teams in the state.
Practice writing a Hook with the thesis:“Baldwin has one of the best football teams in the state.” BHS Side – State a startling fact Middle Rows – State a startling statistic Halia Nakoa Side – Start with a quote
Now on to more serious issues…
How can you create a hook with your topic? Relate it to your topic Catch the reader’s attention Don’t be too wordy Make sure if you use a fact/stat, it is accurate! Fact/scenario Example While many people believe the United States is the best country in the world, Nepal is said to be one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world.
Sample Hook Standing at 29,437 feet, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on the planet.
Your Turn Use one of the hook techniques to write your hook on your outline. Even if you’re not sure, you can always change it later.
Link Sentence A sentence that comes after the hook. It leads into your background info. Sample: First the HOOK, then the LINK Standing at 29,437 feet, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on the planet. The home of this gigantic mountain is Nepal.
Background Info. Assume the reader knows nothing of your topic. 2-4 sentences that gives an overview; do not include detailed statistics. It should flow into the thesis statement.
Sample Background Info. Though Mt. Everest isn’t the only interesting thing about Nepal. This country stands out from the rest of the world because of its mix of Hinduism and other cultures.
Hook, Link Sent., Background Standing at 29,437 feet, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on the planet. The home of this gigantic mountain is Nepal. Though Mt. Everest isn’t the only interesting thing about Nepal. This country stands out from the rest of the world because of its mix of Hinduism and other cultures.
Topic + opinion + 3 main points = Thesis Statement Topic + opinion + 3 main points = Thesis Statement. Look at the thesis statement you wrote on your essay web. Now is the time to revise it if necessary and write it into your Intro outline.
Sample Thesis Statement Nepal is a surprisingly diverse country because of its tasty foods, its unique feasts and dances, and its climate which is dictated by the mountainous terrain.
Sample Intro Paragraph Standing at 29,437 feet, Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on the planet. The home of this gigantic mountain is Nepal. Though Mt. Everest isn’t the only interesting thing about Nepal. This country stands out from the rest of the world because of its mix of Hinduism and other culture. Nepal is a surprisingly diverse country because of its tasty foods, its unique feasts and dances, and its climate which is dictated by the mountainous terrain.
Concluding Paragraph – Last paragraph in your essay Transition sentence Restate thesis statement and three main points in a slightly different way. End with a powerful thought that leaves the reader thinking
Sample Concluding Paragraph Transition: (Notice the trans. Phrase) In the end, Nepal is a country filled with diversity. Thesis Statement stated slightly differently With its delicious food, interesting dances and food gatherings, and its mountainous weather, one can see why Nepal is truly a diverse country. Closing thought: Millions travel to Nepal to climb the great Mount Everest, but perhaps they are missing the most precious experience of all: the rich culture Nepal has to offer.
Sample Concluding Paragraph In the end, Nepal is a country filled with diversity. With its delicious food, interesting dances and food gatherings, and its mountainous weather, one can see why Nepal is truly a diverse country. Millions travel to Nepal to climb the great Mount Everest, but perhaps they are missing the most precious experience of all: the rich culture Nepal has to offer.