Imminence By Chris Pieprzak
Executive Summary As the game begins, a strange object falls from the heavens. To our great surprise, the object opens to reveal a intelligent being bring a warning of what will soon come to pass. An intergalactic war has been raging for the past century, and it is about to spill over into Earth. Fortunately, there is still time to prepare.
Setting The year is There has been much Social Progress since Peace has established itself over much of the Earth, with only minor squabbles breaking out between various different countries. Technologically, however, Earth is almost the same as it was 120 years ago with the biggest advancement being in high-speed transportation.
The Enemy The main foe in Imminence is a enemy that has no face. Very little is known about the soon-to-be invaders, other than they are hostile will not rest until Earth is under their control. Their motivation is unknown.
Allies Most of the world is on your side, as well the help of an Alien messenger sent to warn you of the enemies approach. His people are on the opposing faction of the invaders, and was sent to fortify your world. If Earth falls, the next battleground is their planet.
Appearance The game will be an action game from a birds eye view. The camera will stay positioned above the player character as he makes his way through a near- future Earth that is not too different from our own.
Player Roles and Actions The player will take control of Earth’s finest defense agent as he makes the preparations for a most unwelcome guest. The player will have to complete numerous mission-style levels with different objectives in each level. In addition, the player must deal with enemy scouts that have been sent in ahead.
Strategies and Motivations As the hours are few before the hostile Aliens reach Earth, the player must move through the Missions with relative speed. The time constraint will force players to solve puzzles quickly and make combat decisions of whether to fight or run, depending on how much time remains.
Hardware To develop this game, a computer fast enough to run Unreal at a reasonable rate will be required. In addition, computers will be required to develop the artwork that will be needed for the game.
Software To develop this game, a couple of copies of Unreal with the mod tools will be required. In addition, graphic software such as GIMP, 3D Max, or Paintshop Pro will also be needed.
Algorithm Style The algorithm style will consist mostly of scripts that use commands from the Unreal engine.
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