Project “ Folklore Palette ” Human Resources ”Lifelong Learning” Comenius Programmе Bilateral School Partnership between Bulgaria-Turkey Working language: English.
What type of holiday is Easter Day? Amazing Facts How to calculate exactly the date of Easter Day?
What type of holiday is Easter Day? Easter Day is the day when christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Christian religion Jesus Christ‘s resurrection ( Easter Day) is celebrated on the 3rd day, after he had been crucified and burried.
Holy Week Holy Monday Jesus Christ got into the temple of Jerusalem and he found it full of tradesmen. He expelled the tradesmen from it because the temple is used for praying not for selling and buying things.
Holy Tuesday Jesus Christ preached in the temple and gave his final admonitions, he retold the proverb of the tenth wise virgins, who were waiting for the God and the proverb for the talented people. Jesus Christ made prophesies for the fate of Jerusalem.
Holy Wednesday Jesus Christ was visited by a repentant sinner, who, being so worried, broke her vessel with the holy oil. Jesus Christ made the secret dinner with the Apostles. During the dinner he told them that there was one of them who was going to betray him. Juda left the dinner. Meanwhile, during Wednesday night and the coming of Thursday morning, Jesus Christ was praying in the Getsiman Garden until the coming of Juda. Jesus Christ was captured.
Holy Thursday A death sentence for Jesus Christ was passed. It was confirmed by Pilat Pontiiski. During the night he was crucified.
Good Friday This is the day of Jesus Christ suffering. It was called Great Friday and Good Friday, because Jesus Christ humbly accepted his destiny to be humiliated. He was crucified on Golgotabetween two robbers and he died in agony. After that one could see a solar eclipse and an earthquake.
Holy Saturday This was the day when Jesus Christ was burried and his mother Virgin Mary suffered for him, his grave was closed and there were guards in front of it. ( during the night of Friday day the church performs a rite called Jesus Christ’ s funeral.
Eggs painting with natural materials For red paint– two middle sized red beet
For yellow, brown and orange paint For light yellow, a steered lemon peel could be used For yellow,brown and orange
For light blue paint– a middle sized red cabbage Light blue
Dark blue For dark blue–homemade red wine
Green For green paint - spinach
For pink and purple For pink and purple paint- cranberries
Made by: Participants in the project „ Folklore Palette“ Students from 5th-6th grades