Mona Lisa or La Gioconda
The Castle of Sforza and Da Vinci Museum in Milan
The Town of Vinci
Dreyfus Madonna
Florence in the time of Da Vinci
Adoration of Magi
St Jerome in Wilderness
Ginevra de Benci
Da Vinci’s works
Leonardo’s notes Here is a sample of Leonardo's writing as it appears in his drawings. This is how it would look reversed by a mirror.
Unrealized monument from Gian Giacomo Trivulsio
Giaconda’s brands
The Last Supper
Da Vinci Sketches
Da Vinci’s tank Da Vinci’s helicopter
Da Vinci’s Clock
Da Vinci’s bicycle
The Bridge which was constructed in Norway with the help of Da Vinci’s sketches
Anatomical Researches
Leonardo’s techique of making paints
Madonna Benya Virgin with a flower
Joan de Baptist
Virgin in the Rocks in Paris and in London
Lady with an ermine
Da Vinci’s burial place