CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 1 SRF Work Packages 2 Improved Standard Cavity Fabrication 2.1 Reliability analysis 2.2 Improved component design 2.3 EB welding 3 Seamless Cavity Production 3.1 Seamless cavity production by spinning 3.2 Seamless cavity production by hydroforming 4 Thin Film Cavity Production 4.1 Linear arc cathode 4.2 Planar arc cathode 5 Surface Preparation 5.1 Electro-Polishing on single cells 5.2 Electro-Polishing on multicells 5.3 Automated EP 5.4 Dry ice cleaning 6 Material Analysis 6.1 Squid scanning 6.2 Flux gate magnetometry 6.3 DC field emission studies of Nb samples 7 Couplers 7.1 New proto-types 7.2 Titanium-nitride coating system 7.3 Conditioning studies 8 Tuners 8.1 Actuators and sensor characterisation 8.2 Control electronics 8.3 Piezo-electric tuners 8.4 Magneto-strictive tuner 9 Low Level RF 9.1 Operability and Technical performance 9.2 Cost and reliabilty 9.3 Hardware technolgy 9.4 Software technology 10 Cryostat Integration Tests 11 Beam Diagnostics 11.1 Emittance monitor 11.2 Beam position monitor 11.3 HOM beam position monitor
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 2 Accelerating RF Cavity HOM BPM Naturally narrow band cavity : Q L ≈ 10 4, ~1 µs single bunch, but not bunch to bunch BPM polarization directions x y Centering accuracy and ‘BPM’ resolution better than 50 µm (TTF, 2004)
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 3 Measuring the Cavity misalignment in Cryomodule –Experiment performed last week at TTF module 4 (ACC4) (N. Baboi, J. Frisch, L. Hendrikson, R. Paparella, et al.) –Accelerating gradients set to zero in all 8 cavities –Reference straight trajectory across the module set by 2 BPMs on both sides of the module –Modes used : TE111 6, TE111 7, TM110 5, TM110 6 –PRELIMINARY RESULTS ( problems of reproducibilty of HOM center reconstruction w.r.t. steering ranges !! ) 1) Measurement of cavity alignment in the cryomodule
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 4 PRELIMINARY RESULTS ( problems of reproducibilty of HOM center reconstruction w.r.t. steering ranges !! ) 1) Monitor cavity alignment in the cryomodule
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 5 2) Inta-cavity Bean Position Monitor Angular scan resolution and accuracy < 50 µrad Relative position resolution ~ 4 µm (cf. M. Ross and J. Frisch).
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 6 3) Trapped modes HOM measurements of beam excited trapped mode was successfully applied to 1. 1.The detection of the 2.6 GHz dipole mode (Qext = 10 6 ) 2. 2.The qualification of superstructures It will be necessary if for the qualification of ‘Low Loss’ and ‘Reentrant’ cavity types at SMTF and STF.
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 7 Two Challenges for HOM-BPM last 2 columns reversed !! Systematic center position offset ~100 µm (M. Dohlus) I) Mode to mode systematics : em. centre and polarisation Mode center spread ~100 µm (TTF measurements, 2004)
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 8 Two Challenges for HOM-BPM II) Measuring the Pitch of the fondamental mode The pitch angle between the 1.3 GHz accelerating mode and the beam trajectory (~200 µrad) is the main cause of songle bunch emittance growth in the linac. Can one measure it through the HOM couplers ? other monopole modes of the 1st passband through the 2 ports ?? other monopole modes of the 1st passband through the 2 ports ?? systmetics of the dipole mode vs. 1.3 GHz mode pitchs ?? systmetics of the dipole mode vs. 1.3 GHz mode pitchs ??
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 9 HOM-BPM Programme 1. 1.Thesis of Rita Paparella (Saclay-DESY) at Orsay University (Oct – Sept. 2006) 2. 2.The 40 cavities of TTF will be equipped with the SLAC electronics Use for the ILC : much debatted question #36, Cost vs. Performance ? The association to CARE will allow: months extension of Rita’s PhD contract (6 month delay in the thesis program) 2. 2.Participation of Claire Simon (CARE/SRF temp stall on WP11/BPM) to the test and commissioning of the SLAC electronics at SLAC (1 month) and at DESY 3. 3.Scientific cross-benefit CARE-ILC to the debate on HOM monitors
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 10 HOM-BPM Programme 1. 1.The 40 cavities of TTF will be equipped with the SLAC electronics. Project Cost and Schedule Table 1: TTF VUV-FEL HOM BPM electronics cost. CategoryCost (K$ / 2.5 K$ per person-week) Engineering and Installation labor67.5 K$ (27 pw) Engineering and Installation cost (incl. travel)10 K$ Production cost M/S144 K$ Production labor cost37.5 K$ (15 pw) Total181.5 K$ production K$ engineer. 20% contingency51.8K $ Total310.8 K$ The system will be delivered before October 31, At that time, the group will work at DESY to commission the system using the TTF beam. The prototype cycle will be complete July 31, 2005.
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 11 HOM-BPM Programme 1. 1.The 40 cavities of TTF will be equipped with the SLAC electronics.
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 12 New BPM mechanics New BPM F (GHz) QR/Q at 5mm of the center of cavity R/Q at 10mm of the center of cavity Monopole Mode Dipole Mode Resonant modes with the new design (simulated with HFSS) 31.5 mm New design of the cavity BPM ( For the cleaning, 12 holes of diameter 5mm have to be added)
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 13 Voltage Δ/Σ [a.u] Position of the beam (mm) Linearity and Centering Accuracy Voltage Δ/Σ [a.u] Position of the beam (mm) Cold Re-entrant BPM Old design New design 40 µm
CARE Steering Committee, Paris, 5 septembre 2005O. Napoly, CEA/Saclay 14 SRF/WP1/BPM Planning Sept Dec. 05: Fabrication of the 1st BPM cavity (TTF room temperature). Oct.05 : Test and commisioning of the old type BPM in ACC1 Oct Jan. 06: Fabrication of the 2nd BPM cavity (TTF cryogenic temperature). Jan. 06: RF tests with beam at DESY (installation of the BPM cavity + need an oscilloscope with a bandwidth >2 GHz). Feb.06 - Apr. 06: Validation of the RF board + Programming and validation of the digital electronics. May 06 - June 06: Tests at DESY (2 weeks) on the cavity which is at room temperature with its electronics but without control-command interface. The tests will be done with displacement of the beam to know the noise, the dynamic range and do the calibration of this system. Feb Sept. 06: Installation and preparation of the cold BPM cavity. Oct. 06: Tests of the cold cavity with the beam and electronics without the control- command interface. Nov Feb. 07: Programming of the control-command interface. March 07: Tests of the cold cavity and its electronics.