Oscar Wilde Az önző óriás
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Pictures of the comik
„ The best part in the story is when the Giant looks out of the window and sees the little bird while it sings and the children climb into the garden. This scene was acted out by my classmates so that’s why it is my favourite one.” Martina Kovács A gyerekek véleménye a meséről I think it is a very good story of a selfish giant. My favourite part in the story is when the children go back to the garden and start to play. And the giant changes…” Lili Torma I enjoyed reading Oscar Wilde ’s tale, because I could easily imagine the different scenes.We also staged the play and performed it together with the other classes.” Dóra Neubrandt
„I was very happy to take part in the preparations. And I was also delighted to play the main character.” Örs Bodnár „I liked the descriptive passages most. The most beautiful examples are when the Frost, the Hail, the Snow and the Northern Wind meet, or when the writer describes the seasons.” Matyi Jenei „ I loved the story, especially the scene when the Giant runs down into his garden to help the little boy climb up the tree. When they hold each other Love is shown in their faces.” András Koltai „ You could learn a lot from this tale. The most important moral is that we shouldn’t be selfish, we should look after each other and be able to live in a community.” Viki Fóti
Reading the text A quiz Visiting the library, Creating a comic strip Organizing an Exhibition from the illustrations made by the students Oscar Wilde The Selfish Giant The life and work of Oscar Wilde Puppet show for nursary school pupils Dramatization Performing for the parents and guests at the School Art Gala
Készítették: a 4.a, 4.b, 4.c osztály tanulói Segítő tanárok: Bánfalvi Lászlóné Berki Edit Drexler Béláné Novákné Nagy Márta Orbán Katalin