1 Board of Early Education and Care EEC Annual Legislative Report: Update March 10, 2009
2 Review Consolidated Annual Report Content/ Various reporting Requirements Addressed Highlight new elements of the Report Section 1: Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, Accomplishments Share key data included in the Report Section 2: Progress Updates By Initiative Discussion Overview
3 Consolidated Annual Legislative Report: Requirements Addressed M.G.L. Chapter 15D Reporting Requirements Five Year Master Plan Comprehensive recommendations on the development of a coordinated system; Goals and standards for the Department Annual Report Overall Progress made; Specific reporting requirements, including implementing UPK, reducing preschool suspension and expulsions, developing behavioral health indicators, use of fines and sanctions, etc. Workforce Development Plan Develop and annually update implementation plan for a workforce development system FY09 Budget Line-Item Reporting ( ) Report on the status of EEC’s programming in the various areas
4 FY09 Annual Legislative Report Outline Context Section 1: Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, Accomplishments Section 2: Progress Updates By Initiative Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Alignment of “Rates” and Quality Standards School Readiness Assessment/Child Outcomes Workforce and Professional Development Supporting National Accreditation Promoting Positive Behavioral/Mental Health Areas on Which We Are Not Reporting Conclusion Attachments Reporting Requirements Chart EEC Strategic Plan Workforce Report
5 Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, and Accomplishments: Overview Highlights from the Jan 08- Jan 09 Year Framed within 5 Strategic Directions Recognizes Public Commentary received before a Board decision, where relevant Designed to help address the legislative requirement to report on progress made towards meeting goals and implementing programs
6 Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, and Accomplishments: Overview Strategic Direction 1- Quality Board Decides to Update EEC Licensing Regulations Board Approves UPK Expansion Plan and Policy Changes Universal Pre-K Pilot Implementation Evaluation Released Board Approves Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Funding QRIS Moves Forward MA Selected as one of 4 States to Receive Technical Assistance to Develop Early Childhood Accountability System
7 Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, and Accomplishments: Overview Strategic Direction 2- Family Support, Access, and Affordability Homeless Families Gain Immediate Access to Financial Assistance Board Approves COLA Adjustment for Financial Assistance Massachusetts Becomes a “Strengthening Families” State Board Approves Income Eligible Reprocurement Deficiency Leads to New Limits on Access for EEC Financial Assistance 9C Reductions Expedite Implementation of New Policies Relative to Subsidy Management and Rates Paid to Providers
8 Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, and Accomplishments: Overview Strategic Direction 3- Workforce Early Education and Care and Out of School Time Workforce Development Task Force Submits Recommendations Board Approves New Guidelines for Early Childhood Educators (ECE) Scholarship Program New Professional Development Calendar Launched
9 Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, and Accomplishments: Overview Strategic Direction 4- Communications New Family Guide, “Learn and Grow Together” Released Progress on translation of EEC materials/resources Enhanced Child Care Search on Website Launched
10 Board/EEC Actions, Policy Decisions, and Accomplishments: Overview Strategic Direction 5- Infrastructure Upgraded and Unified IT System Under Development EEC Single Sign-On for Web Applications Launched Web-Based Improvements to Background Record Check (BRC) Processing Developed
11 Progress Updates by Initiative: UPK Current UPK Grantee Overview Grant Program# Sites# UPK Classrooms/ Homes # UPK Children # Cities/ Towns Grant Award Amount Current Classroom Quality Grantees* (originally funded in FY07 or FY08, renewed each year) 245**4065,70097$5,000 - $200,000 (average= $36,400 per site) FY09 Assessment Planning Grantees*** (one-time funding) 60 agencies including 162 programs N/A 72$2,800 - $60,000 (average= $12,500 per agency)
12 Progress Updates by Initiative: Workforce Current ECE Scholarship Program Funding FY2009$4M1018 applicants approved by EEC 57% Attending Public Institution 43% Attending Private Institution Current Building Careers Funding FY2009$1.2M717 participants (projected) 18 Public Institution 3 Private Institutions CDA Scholarship Funding FY2009$50, Approved Applicants
13 Progress Updates by Initiative: Accreditation FY2007$1.7M114 CPC awarded grants 1,189 programs participated in accreditation activities; 693 became accredited 180 family child care providers participated in accreditation activities; 19 became accredited
14 Progress Updates by Initiative: Mental Health FY2009$2.5M (post 9c) 10 grantees serve over 1,400 children in 70 communities Mental Health Consultation Services Grant Comprehensive Mental Health in Child Care Programs FY2009$620,00016 cites360 children served 2,500 hours of individual services to children 1,400 hours of consultation to child care staff 950 hours working with families
15 Annual Legislative Report: Next Steps Board Approves Report EEC submits Report to Legislature and EOE, on behalf of Board, on March 16 EEC and Policy Subcommittee continue development of Capacity Report, to be submitted in June