What are the Differences Between Targeted and Schoolwide Title I Programs?
2 Targeted Assistance Program A targeted assistance program provides supplementary services only to identified students failing to meet core curriculum standards Students are served based on a comprehensive student needs assessment Program services are research based Supplementary services are provided in all four core curriculum areas
3 Schoolwide Program A schoolwide program is a comprehensive school reform initiative The schoolwide model is designed to generate high levels of academic achievement in core academic areas for all students, especially those who are not meeting the State’s academic content and achievement standards
4 Schoolwide Program Requirements Comprehensive Plan Elements Describes components Describes resources Lists related programs Describes parent support
5 Schoolwide Program Requirements Comprehensive needs assessment Schoolwide reform strategies Instruction by highly qualified teachers High quality professional development Attract highly qualified teachers to high needs schools
6 Schoolwide Program Requirements Parent involvement Transition plans Teacher participation in assessment decisions Timely additional assistance Coordination of services and programs
7 Schoolwide Program Requirements Schoolwide programs are not relieved of requirements relating to: Health, safety, civil rights Student and parental participation and involvement Services to private school children Maintenance of effort Comparability of services
8 Schoolwide Planning To Become Schoolwide, a School Must: –Meet a 40% poverty threshold –Participate in a one-year school improvement planning process Once a School is Schoolwide, It Must: –Conduct an annual evaluation of program effectiveness
9 Schoolwide Planning Grants $3,000 planning grant available through MDE – Due June 1, 2008 Grant helps defray cost of one year planning with an MDE approved facilitator Application available at –Under Field Services Unit, click Title I –Under Title I Schoolwide Planning, click Schoolwide Planning Support Team Needs
10 Schoolwide Plans Schoolwide Plans are reviewed on a rotational basis Only schoolwide trainers, approved by MDE, can facilitate schoolwide training All completed schoolwide plans must be approved by MDE
11 How Can Title I Funds Support Special Education?
12 Title I Funded Services and Special Education Title funded services can provide supplemental support for special education students Eligibility for services are based on the same criteria as all other Title funded students and delivered within design of the programs
13 Title Funded Services and Special Education Title funds must supplement not supplant services for special education students Title funds may not be used to provide services that are required by law under general and other categorical funding Title services should not be written into an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) –Title services cannot be used to meet the goals of the IEP
14 Special Education Targeted Assistance Programs: Children are identified by the school as failing or most at risk of failing to meet the State’s challenging student achievement standards Children with disabilities are eligible for services on the same basis as other children to receive services
15 Special Education Schoolwide Programs: No school participating in a schoolwide program shall be required to identify particular children as eligible to participate Must include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school but particularly the needs of all low- achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the state student academic achievement standards
16 Special Education Schoolwide Programs: Must include activities to ensure that the students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely assistance –Difficulties are identified and analyzed as a basis for effective assistance
17 What are the Title III Limited English Proficient (LEP) Grant and Title III – Immigrant Children and Youth Grant Programs?
18 Title III Title III provides supplemental programs and services The purpose of the program is to promote rapid acquisition of English language proficiency
19 Title III Grant funds are allocated for two programs: English language instruction programs for LEP students Programs to provide supplemental services to immigrant students
20 Title III Title III prohibits states from awarding sub-grants of less than $10,000 LEA must establish headcount based on students who took the ELPA or the ELPA Screening No more than 2% of the sub-grant allocation may be used for administrative costs, which does include indirect costs
21 Title III Grantee must also implement an effective means of outreach to parents of LEP students Grantee must inform parents of right to have their child enrolled or removed from an LEP program The requirement for an annual assessment of students is a Title I requirement; the reporting requirements for the ELPA (English Language Proficiency Assessment) is a Title III requirement