Presented by: The Ohio National Guard Education Team Education Programs Presented by: The Ohio National Guard Education Team
Purpose The purpose of this briefing is to provide an overview of each of the major education benefits available to Ohio National Guard Members
Benefits to be Reviewed Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program (ONGSP) GI Bill (Chapters: 1606, 1607, 30, 33) Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) through GoArmyEd Joint Services Transcript (JST) Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Registered Apprenticeship & On-the-Job Training Programs Troops to Teachers
Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program (ONGSP)
ONG Scholarship Program (ONGSP) Provides 100% tuition for an in-state public college for members in good standing Participants with an enlistment of six-or-more years can receive a lifetime maximum of 96 Educational Units (8 full time semesters) Participants who enlist for three or more years, but less than six years can receive a maximum of 48 units (4 full-time semesters) Provides 100 percent tuition to Guard members attending a two- or four year public college or university. Log into your account to verify remaining Educational Units The new ONGSP website is:
ONG Scholarship Program (ONGSP) Credit Hours Semester Conversion 12 or more hours 12 units 9, 10, or 11 hours 9 units 6, 7, or 8 hours 6 units 3, 4, or 5 hours 3 units Must apply by the following semester deadline dates: Spring : 1 NOV Summer: 1 APR Spring QTR: 1 FEB Fall: 1 JUL The new ONGSP website provides the number of units remaining Ohio National Guard Members who already possess a Bachelor’s degree are not eligible for the Scholarship Program. It is for undergraduate degree programs only. If a Soldier receives any unexcused absences from any drill periods, the Unit Commander shall temporarily remove the Soldier from participation in the program for at least one school term. The new ONGSP website is:
ONGSP Contacts ONGSP Director Ms. Afrika Alsup (614)336-7143 Grants Coordinator Ms. Angela Wallace (614)336-7053
Montgomery GI Bill Benefits
Chapter 1606 (Selected Reserve) MGIB $368/month for members of the Selected Reserve Must sign a six-year contract Most likely chapter to relinquish if choosing to transfer education benefits (TEB) to dependents under Post 9/11 Most likely chapter to relinquish if choosing to transfer education benefits (TEB) to dependents under Post 9/11 SM cannot use the same period of service to establish entitlement for MGIB-SR and either Chapter 30 or 33 Given on the contract.
Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) MGIB Must have served on AD (Title 10) for 90 consecutive days or more on or after September 11, 2001 Or must have served on AD (Title 32) for 90 consecutive days or more when authorized by the President or Secretary of Defense for the purpose of responding to a national emergency Rates are determined by the longest consecutive period of continuous AD time served. Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
Chapter 1607 Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP) MGIB % Rate Amount Amount of time spent on consecutive Active Duty 80% $1,431.20 Two years or more 60% $1,073.40 One - two years of consecutive Active Duty 40% $715.60 for 90 days One year of consecutive Active Duty Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) Mobilized, does not need to pay into it. Mday who has been activated. Used as the TEB/Post 9-11
Chapter 33 (Post-9/11) MGIB Must have served at least 90 days cumulative on AD since September 11, 2001 The amount paid is made up of 3 below: Tuition (% based on cumulative Title 10 AD time served), Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) (based on E-5 w/ dependent rate & zip code of school, must be enrolled more than 6 credit hours) Books and supplies stipend of up to $1000 per year Must have served at least 90 days (cumulative) on AD on or after September 11, 2001 or have been discharged due to a service-connected disability after 30 days. Pays up to 100% tuition and fees at public schools, pays up to $21,084.89 per year at foreign/private schools The amount paid depends on the # of credit hours enrolled, the school zip code, and the amount of AD time served post 9/11
Chapter 33 (Post-9/11) MGIB The amount paid depends on the # of credit hours enrolled, the school zip code, and the amount of AD time served post 9/11 Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 Signed into Law on January 4, 2011 Effective August 1, 2009, became payable on October 1, 2011 Expands the Bill to include AD Performed by National Guard members under title 32 U.S.C. for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the National Guard; or under section 502(f) for the purpose of responding to a national emergency Became effective August 1, 2011 Pays all public school in-state tuition and fees; Private and foreign school costs are capped at $17,500 annually Prorates housing allowance by the student’s rate of pursuit Allows reimbursement for more than one “license or certification” test (previously only one test was allowed)
Chapter 33 (Post-9/11) Transfer Education Benefits (TEB) to Dependents To be eligible to transfer your benefits you must: Currently be serving in the OHARNG Have unused entitlement remaining Have served at least 6 years in any branch of the Armed Forces Commit to or have 4 years of additional service To establish eligibility to transfer Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to dependents a Soldier must: Currently be serving in the Armed Forces; either on active duty or in the National Guard or Reserve. You cannot transfer entitlement of benefits after separation / discharge from military service. Have unused entitlement remaining under the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Have served at least six years in any branch of the Armed Forces Commit to four (4) additional years of service if you transfer benefits - this applies to only ENLISTED Service members
Chapter 30 (Active Duty) MGIB Must serve on AD at least 90 days, contract, and serve a minimum of 2 years. Can buy up/elect to contribute an additional $600 (maximum) to increase benefit payments by $150 per month. Soldiers who earned eligibility while on AD are awarded a new 10 year delimiting date. Traditional Guard Soldiers who never established eligibility may only do so by serving a minimum 2 years on AD and contributing $1200 Provide DD 214 to VA certifying official upon enrollment or to the VA regional office to establish new delimiting date with the VA
GI Bill Kicker Supplements your GI Bill payments Must sign a six-year contract and meet criteria in current kicker policy $200 Enlisted Kicker and $350 Officer without degree (OCS/SMP/WOC) For more information go to
Federal Tuition Assistance: Go Army ED
Go Army ED Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) Must be a current member of the ARNG Must serve one year after completion of IADT or BOLC Pays up to $250 per semester hr/16 semester hours per FY year If FTA is used for Bachelors, must have 10 years time in service to use for Masters Apply 10-60 days before course start date at The FTA program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a Soldier’s professional and personal self-development goals. FTA is available for courses that are offered in the classroom or by distance learning. The courses must be offered by schools that are registered in GoArmyEd and are accredited by accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Search for accreditation information on a specific institution at o Available to all current members of the ARNG o Level of Education Supported; Certification, Associate, Baccalaureate or Masters Degree o Must not be flagged for any reason – HT/WT & PT now included o College or university must have signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – check for your school at o Pays up to $250 per semester hour/ 16 Semester Hours per FY o Must apply prior to the start date of the course / Can apply up to 60 days prior o Apply online at
VA Education Benefits for Service Members Comparison Chart
Joint Services Transcript (JST)
JST Prepares official transcript of military education and training with descriptions and credit recommendations developed by the American Council on Education (ACE) . What Is It? DANTES offers free college entrance exams as well as high school equivalency exams and college credit equivalency exams to assist Soldiers in their academic pursuits. 2. How Do I Qualify? Be an active drilling member of the Army National Guard. 3. What Do I Get? Below are the tests ARNG Soldiers may take; General Education Development (GED) Entry level exams to Colleges (ACT, SAT) Entry level exams to Graduate Schools (GMAT, GRE) Teacher Certification Exams (Praxis) College credit equivalency exams (CLEP, DSST) 4. How Do I Apply? Most DANTES sponsored tests are administered at National Test Centers (NTCs) Soldiers should locate a local NTC and contact them to schedule your exam ACT and SAT Tests are administered free to military personnel only at Active Duty Education Centers or your State Education Offices (active DANTES Test Sites only) Helpful Links: CLEP Exams: DANTES: Study Materials:
Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Testing
POC: SGT Jamie Burdiss 614-336-7275 DANTES Testing Free college entrance exams and college credit equivalency exams Tests that Soldiers can take include: General Education Development (GED) Entry level exams to Colleges (ACT, SAT) Entry level exams to Graduate Schools (GMAT, GRE) Teacher Certification Exams (Praxis) College credit equivalency exams (CLEP, DSST) Most DANTES sponsored tests are administered at National Test Centers (NTCs) POC: SGT Jamie Burdiss 614-336-7275 . What Is It? DANTES offers free college entrance exams as well as high school equivalency exams and college credit equivalency exams to assist Soldiers in their academic pursuits. 2. How Do I Qualify? Be an active drilling member of the Army National Guard. 3. What Do I Get? Below are the tests ARNG Soldiers may take; General Education Development (GED) Entry level exams to Colleges (ACT, SAT) Entry level exams to Graduate Schools (GMAT, GRE) Teacher Certification Exams (Praxis) College credit equivalency exams (CLEP, DSST) 4. How Do I Apply? Most DANTES sponsored tests are administered at National Test Centers (NTCs) Soldiers should locate a local NTC and contact them to schedule your exam ACT and SAT Tests are administered free to military personnel only at Active Duty Education Centers or your State Education Offices (active DANTES Test Sites only) Helpful Links: CLEP Exams: DANTES: Study Materials:
Academic Advising to Soldiers Upon enrollment in college review JST and provide applicable college credit Take the list of CLEP tests available to Academic Advisor to determine which courses can CLEP that fit degree plan
Registered Apprenticeship & On-the-Job Training Programs ODJFS Apprenticeship POC: Mr. Ron Middleton 6680 Poe Ave Dayton, OH 45414 Phone: (614) 264-5883
Registered Apprenticeship (RA) & On-the-Job Training (OJT) Programs RA is a combination of the OJT and related classroom instruction provided by a trade professional You get training, education, and a paycheck from your employer While in the program, you can also use your GI Bill benefits in addition to your regular paycheck from your employer 1. What is Registered Apprenticeship? RA is a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction provided under the supervision of a journey-level craft person or trade professional in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation. 2. How Do I Qualify? Meet training requirements Apprenticeship training programs require a minimum of 2,000 hours of OJT per year, supplemented by a minimum of 144 hours related classroom instruction. Such instruction may be given in a classroom, through correspondence courses, self-study, or other means of approved instruction. 3. What Do I Get? As an apprentice you will receive training, education and wages from your employer. In addition, if you qualify for a GI Bill program you can collect a monthly benefit payment, in addition to regular full-time wages, for the duration of the apprentice training period. The amount of GI Bill entitlement depends on your GI Bill eligibility: Post-9/11 GI Bill: Payment rates for the Post-9/11 GI Bill are based on percentages of the applicable Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) for an E-5 with dependents. The MHA is determined by the employer’s zip code. All other GI Bill programs: Payment rates for all other GI Bill programs are based on a percentage of the full-time institutional rate of the benefit program being utilized. Example: If a veteran eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill at the 100 percent rate were employed full-time in a 5-year RA training program with an employer located in Boston, Massachusetts (where the applicable MHA is $2,631), he or she would collect a total of $63,144 in Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, in addition to regular wages
Registered Apprenticeship (RA) & On-the-Job Training (OJT) Programs Montgomery GI Bill-AD, Chapter 30 (three or more years of service) $44,009.40 Reserve Educational Assistance Program, Chapter 1607 (80% rate) $35,207.52 Reserve Educational Assistance Program, Chapter 1607 (60% rate) $26,405.64 Reserve Educational Assistance Program, Chapter 1607 (40% rate) $19,965.24 Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve, Chapter 1606 $9,052.80 Montgomery GI Bill Kicker Program ($350 rate) $8,610 Montgomery GI Bill Kicker Program ($200 rate) $4,920 Montgomery GI Bill Kicker Program ($100 rate) $2,460 3. What Do I Get? As an apprentice you will receive training, education and wages from your employer. In addition, if you qualify for a GI Bill program you can collect a monthly benefit payment, in addition to regular full-time wages, for the duration of the apprentice training period. The amount of GI Bill entitlement depends on your GI Bill eligibility: Post-9/11 GI Bill: Payment rates for the Post-9/11 GI Bill are based on percentages of the applicable Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) for an E-5 with dependents. The MHA is determined by the employer’s zip code. All other GI Bill programs: Payment rates for all other GI Bill programs are based on a percentage of the full-time institutional rate of the benefit program being utilized. Example: If a veteran eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill at the 100 percent rate were employed full-time in a 5-year RA training program with an employer located in Boston, Massachusetts (where the applicable MHA is $2,631), he or she would collect a total of $63,144 in Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, in addition to regular wages
Registered Apprenticeship (RA) & On-the-Job Training (OJT) Programs Step 1. Find an Apprenticeable occupation Step 2. Find an employer who sponsors an RA training program Step 3. Search for an RA program approved for GI Bill use Step 1. Find an “Apprenticeable” occupation An apprenticeable occupation is defined as a skilled trade or craft, which has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship (OA) and meets applicable local criteria. Apprenticeships can be found in all industries, from traditional sectors like construction and manufacturing to emerging sectors like energy and health care. A list of over 1,100 officially recognized apprenticeable occupations can be found at: Step 2. Find an employer who sponsors an RA training program Approximately 16,000 employers nationwide sponsor RA training programs that enable their employees to obtain nationally recognized certification in trades and skills that can lead to rewarding careers in industries that stretch across the economic spectrum. To identify current apprenticeship vacancies, visit and click the “Find Opportunities” link. Step 3. Search for an RA program approved for GI Bill use Visit: Leave the “Institution Name” field blank Set “Program Type” drop down menu to “On-the-Job Training/Apprenticeship” Click your preferred State or Territory for a complete list of approved programs
Troops to Teachers Program Manager Chris Picha Ohio Troops to Teachers Phone: (614) 728-4801 Toll Free: (800) 852-6064 Fax: (614) 387-7317
Troops to Teachers (TTT) Transition program that helps ARNG Soldiers and Retirees in becoming a certified teacher public schools servicing low-income families Counseling and referral assistance Financial assistance $5,000 stipend for licensure and certification Bonus of up to $10,000 for serving three years in a high-need public school (K-12) . What Is Troops to Teachers? Troops to Teachers (TTT) is a transition program that assists eligible military personnel in meeting the requirements necessary to become teachers in K-12 public, public charter, and Bureau of Indian Affairs schools serving low-income families. The program assists those who wish to become school counselors, teacher aides, principals, vice principals, speech therapists, school psychologists, and other school workers engaged with students in K-12 schools. Implemented in 1994, this national program is overseen and funded by the Department of Defense and managed by the Department of the Navy through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES). 2. What Is The Goal of TTT? The TTT program seeks to improve American K-12 education by providing motivated, experienced, and dedicated personnel for the nation’s classrooms, and increase the number of male and minority teachers in today’s public schools. TTT’s objectives are to: Help participants gain an understanding of teacher certification requirements, options for completing certification, and ways to enhance employment potential. Provide positive role models for the nation’s public school students. Refer certified teachers in all subject areas and other educational workers to K-12 schools. 3. What Do I Get? After registration, TTT provides participants with two types of services: Counseling and referral assistance: includes guidance about certification pathways and access to a wide network of volunteer mentors who provide valuable advice and guidance at the local level. Referral assistance includes providing participants with the necessary information on job availability, preparing them for employment, and in some cases, arranging interview opportunities. These services are available to all program participants. Financial assistance: The maximum amount of financial assistance provided to eligible TTT participants may not exceed $10,000. Assistance comes in two forms, a $5,000 stipend* that may be used for teacher certification and licensure costs, and a bonus up to $10,000. TTT participants receiving financial assistance must agree to teach for three years in a high-need public, public charter, or Bureau of Indian Affairs school. Eligibility is determined by the TTT national office following the completion of the registration process, subject to the following eligibility categories: ACTIVE DUTY Retired from active duty. Active duty member with approved date of retirement with one year or less remaining before retirement. Separated for a service-connected physical disability on or after January 8, 2002. Must register within three years after separation. RESERVE COMPONENT Retired from the Selected Reserve. Currently serving in the Selected Reserve with six or more years of creditable service towards retirement and commit to serving an additional three years, or until eligible for retirement. Separated from the Selected Reserve for a service-connected physical disability on or after January 8, 2002. Must register within three years after separation. Individuals transitioning from active duty on or after January 8, 2002, and have served four years on active duty immediately before separation, and execute a contract for three or more years with a Selected Reserve unit. Must register within three years after separation. Note: The $5,000 stipend may not be available to those who are eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill.
Education & Incentive Office Contacts EDUCATION GUIDANCE COUNSELOR SGT Jamie Burdiss 614-336-7275 GI BILL PROGRAM MANAGER Mrs. Kris Himes 614-336-7293 EDUCATION SERVICES SPECIALIST Mrs. Jovanda Curry 614-336-4905 ONGSP DIRECTOR Ms. Afrika Alsup 614-336-7143 EDUCATION SERVICES OFFICER MAJ Angela Bailey 614-336-7023