Poetry What is a tanka? A 5 line, unrhymed poem with a syllable scheme “ 5,7,5,7,7”. A 5 line, unrhymed poem with a syllable scheme “ 5,7,5,7,7”. 14 line, lyrical poem A general term for any modern poem. A general term for any modern poem. A long poem that tells the story of gods. A long poem that tells the story of gods.
Poetry What is a fourteen line, lyrical poem? Shakespearian Sonnet Pleutarchan Sonnet Novel Epic
Poetry What does the poetry term “assonance” convey? Vowel Rhyme Repetition Consanant Rhyme An outside reference.
Poetry What does Personification do? Gives human traits to nonhuman things Gives human traits to nonhuman things Makes a person seem like another person Makes a person seem like another person Refers to events specific people have done. Refers to events specific people have done. Gives symbols
Poetry What category of poetry would The Odyssey be considered as? Epic Sonnet Freestyle Lyric
1984 Where did Winston work? Ministry of Truth Ministry of Love Ministry of Labor Post Office
1984 Who governed the people’s thoughts and actions? The Thought Police The Mind Squad Winston Emmanuel Goldstein
1984 What finally caused Winston to sell out Julia in the last stage of his “rebirthing”? His fear of rats His mother He never did Drugs
1984 Who are the 3 fictitious world powers in 1984? Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia Africa, United States, Asia Canada, Mexico, Japan England, Croatia, America
1984 Who eventually turned in Julia and Winston? The owner of the shop that they rent from. The owner of the shop that they rent from. Winston’s ex-wife Themselves Julia’s little brother
TKAM Who’s Scout going to marry when she gets older? Dill Tom Robinson Boo Radley Francis
TKAM Who was the family that would never take something that they can’t repay? The Cunninghams The Ewells The Robinsons The Mayellas
TKAM Where did Calpurnia take the children when Atticus was out of town? Her church A museum The courthouse Washington
TKAM What happened to Tom Robinson when he went to prison? He was shot and killed He broke his leg He escaped He murdered a fellow inmate
TKAM Why did Scout have to stop getting in fights with people? Atticus didn’t want he fighting for him. Atticus didn’t want he fighting for him. She would get hurt She didn’t want to do it anymore She didn’t want to do it anymore She would get detention
Grammar “Jim gave the plant to Dave.” Identify the direct object. plant Dave gave Jim
Grammar “I took the cat to the vet that was sick.” What is wrong with this sentence? Misplaced Modifier Dangling Modifier Nothing Run-on
Grammar “_____ now!” the band director shouted. Which commonly confused word fits in the blank? All together Altogether
Grammar “We ran to the supermarket we bought a lot of food.” Which is a correct way to make this a complete sentence? supermarket, and supermarket we ; No change, supermarket
Grammar “I tried very hard to finish in first place.” What is the underlined word functioning as in this sentence? adjective noun gerund verb
Vocab What is an antonym for “herald”, the verb form. exclaim withhold mystify expunge
Vocab Vocab My genealogy is culturally rich. Which word can correctly replace the underlined word? ancestry life home biology
Vocab When you fraternize with the enemy, you what? Become friendly with Fight with dine trashtalk
Vocab A humanoid robot would be.. Human-like inhuman Built by humans A human
Vocab Mrs. Jackson’s clothes are ___ functional frivolous hideous gaudy
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