CADD III G enerating R enewable E nergy E fficiently N ow G.R.E.E.N. Project Itinerary
History Project Started at the end of the ’08 school year and continued over the summer. Project Started at the end of the ’08 school year and continued over the summer. The class started the project to enter a Lemelson MIT competition but after continuing into the second round we were not selected to move on to the next round.The class started the project to enter a Lemelson MIT competition but after continuing into the second round we were not selected to move on to the next round. As a class we decided to continue to pursue the project even with the loss of funding.As a class we decided to continue to pursue the project even with the loss of funding. Over the school year we have prepared and tested many prototypes to implement into the system testing them in conjunction with the physics class.Over the school year we have prepared and tested many prototypes to implement into the system testing them in conjunction with the physics class. At this time we are ready to go on to create a “real life” model in full scale.At this time we are ready to go on to create a “real life” model in full scale.
General Purpose The purpose of this system is to capture wasted energy leaving the house in the form of “brown water” or waste water from the toilets, sinks, and showers. The water leaving the system will create energy and be used in the house instead of energy from a grid.
The water leaving the house will be temporarily stored in a large storage tank before being used in the system. The water after being stored will be filtered using a specialized filter system created especially for this purpose. After the filter process, the clean water will be ran through an impeller which will create electricity that will supplement electricity in the house. General Purpose Cont’d
Infrastructure Infrastructure In order of use 1. Holding Tank - contains all “brown water” from house. 2. Filter - separates solids and liquids solids and liquids 3. Siphon holding tank - uses siphon to create uses siphon to create maximum power maximum power 4. Impeller/Generator - Uses falling water to produce energy Uses falling water to produce energy 5. Catch/Recirculation tank - used only for display
Infrastructure The infrastructure provides a supportive layout that allows the water to flow through our system Using gravity the water flows from the top to the bottom of our system This particular model is still in it’s early stages and when placed in a home or building would be much smaller and compact
Infrastructure Image
Holding Tank Beginning or top of system All water that leaves the house will go into this tank. Provides the system with water to run the impeller.
Holding Tank
Funnel Separator Filter: Filter: -Utilizes perforated grate to separate largest solids from water -The water slides through holes in grated funnel holes in grated funnel and leaves out of the side of the drum of the drum -The solids slide around the funnel, down through the center hole and out the bottom of the drum
Funnel Separator
Siphon Holding Tank - Stores water in small increments - After water reaches the desired level a plug will lift and initiate the siphon effect to empty the tank into the turbine - Siphon effect creates velocity and allows velocity and allows water to push itself water to push itself out of the tank and out of the tank and down to the next down to the next component, the impeller component, the impeller
The Siphon Effect As Performed By The Modern Toilet Toilet video
Siphon Holding Tank Image
Impeller and Generator Includes: Includes: An impeller spun by the falling water. A motor spun by the impeller to generate electricity. The purpose of this project can only be achieved if this part of the system is accomplished very efficiently.
Impeller Has 9 fins for maximum absorption of energy. Each fin is cupped or indented so the water can exert the most force on it. Goal is to spin this as fast but as efficient possible. but as efficient possible. The Impeller is spun by the falling water and in the falling water and in turn will spin the motor which will produce the energy used to run the house hold appliances. turn will spin the motor which will produce the energy used to run the house hold appliances.
Impeller front view Impeller 3D view
Motor/Generator The motor or generator is spun by the Impeller previously viewed. The motor or generator is spun by the Impeller previously viewed. The electricity provided by this device will be sent or stored in the house to run devices. The electricity provided by this device will be sent or stored in the house to run devices.
Prototype impeller and generator. A.B. C.D.
Re-circulating Pump -Meant for display purposes only -The goal here is to create enough power for the system to be self sustaining
Project Materials Fiberglass mat – to construct the “toilet bowl” Hardener – for fiber glass Bondo – to give smooth shape and texture to fiberglass Foam mold – to shape toilet bowl before fiberglass application PVC tubing – to transport water throughout the system 2X4’s – for structure and support of the system 55 gal drums – to hold the water at various points Plastic – To mold impeller