Telemedicine: The Cleveland Clinic Experience September 27, 2011 Matthew Faiman, MD, MBA,FACP Director Telemedicine Services
Telemedicine Overview Operations since Opportunities of growth include: Employee health-Build on the model of VMC at CCAC. Direct to Employer- pilot with self-funded employer. Specialty Unit- build on successes in ORI. Research- foster research with help from MICRI. Distance Health- Collaborate and cultivate with other Institutes. Technology Platform- Develop a common technology platform. Virtual Medical Clinic l September 27, 2011 l 2
Telemedicine-Current CCHS Activity VMC at CCAC. Orthopedics has used VMC since 2008 Bariatrics connects with CCC Toronto. Telestroke. Other Institutes and other CCHS facilities (Florida). Neurological Institute in Elko/Lou Ruvo. CC home care-remote monitoring. Virtual Medical Clinic l September 27, 2011 l 3
4 Telemedicine Planning Marketing- federal mandates are encouraging! Operations- check lists, licensure and legal. Space- dedicated space for 24/7 coverage. Finance- five year growth exciting. Virtual Medical Clinic l September 27, 2011 l 4
5 Telemedicine Next Steps Dedicated Department of Telemedicine. Complete research at VMC at CCAC with help from MICRI. Direct to consumer models. Complete and optimize operations for pilot programs from the desktop setting platform. Integrate with Distance Health and Direct to Employer efforts. Virtual Medical Clinic l September 27, 2011 l 5