Programme result baselines and targets - a glimpse into the future Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 30 th of September 2015, Kuopio/Finland
The Northern Periphery in 2023? Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2/11
Rationale Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 3/11 Programme has to demonstrate that its projects have a direct, positive and measurable impact in the programme territory Focus of the programme on the remotest, most rural and sparsely populated region within the programme territory Lack of consistent and timely statistical data on regional level
Selection of experts Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 4/11 Experts have detailed insight into the regional situation regarding innovativeness and internationalisation of SMEs, entrepreneurship, telemedicine, building energy performance or sustainable environmental management. strong regional ties well-established links with the end beneficiaries of project interventions (e.g., SMEs, health care workers, local public authorities, etc.)
Selection of regions Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 5/11 Sample regions are selected based on the NUTS 3 statistical areas The remotest and most sparsely populated regions within each country One region from Scandinavia, one region from the British Isles, one region/country from the North-Atlantic Space Capture the range of socio-economic conditions across the programme area by reference to indicator-specific statistical data Balanced representation of the eight programme countries
Result indicator scoreboards Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 6/11 + Composite indicator + contextual information on external factors likely to affect the composite indicator + anecdotal evidence of change = Indicator scoreboard
Criteria for choosing indicators Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 7/11 ‘What we measure’ should be in line with ‘what we can influence’ as a cooperation programme, with a limited budget, and within a limited time period. Wherever applicable, we should use existing definitions and methodologies, to warrant the indicators’ comparability with other European studies. Our experts should be able to assess the indicators without too much guessing involved.
Indicator 2.2 “Internationalisation of SMEs“ Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 8/11 Availability of business support programmes to facilitate access to new markets for regional SMEs [0;10] Share of SMEs in the region engaged in one or more transboundary inter- enterprise cooperation [0;100%] Uptake of business support programmes to facilitate access to new markets for regional SMEs [0;10]
Indicator 2.2 „Internationalisation of SMEs“ Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 9/11
Baselines and targets Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 10/11
Programme logical framework Annual Conference of the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 11/11