BOARD OF DIRECTORS Roles and Responsibilities
GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES GOVERNANCE - Vision/Direction - Oversight/Evaluate LEADERSHIP - Partnership with CEO - Compliance with Policies - Dedication to Mission STEWARDSHIP - Overview Corp Assets - Public Benefits
DUTIES As a Board Member, you have a fiduciary responsibility for monitoring the financial health and safeguarding the assets of the Corporation
DUTIES (continued) This new era of transparency and accountability challenges each Board Member to evaluate their respective role and commitment to serving on a Board of Directors.
DUTIES (continued) Even though most Board Members do not participate in the daily activities of the Corporation, they are ultimately responsible for the actions of the Organization.
DUTIES (continued) Board Members can be held legally responsible for everything that happens within the Organization they serve. Does not matter if it is a paid position or not, For-Profit or Non-Profit.
EFFECTIVE BOARD STRUCTURE Bylaws Membership size Board Composition/Expertise Member Appointments / Term limits Board Attendance and Education Sub-Committee structure
POLICIES Legal / Compliance Financial Community benefit Partnerships / Affiliations Safety / Liability Conflict of Interest
RESPONSIBILITIES Community representation Management oversight Strategic Planning oversight Financial oversight Product oversight Organization policy oversight Political Advocacy
COMMUNITY REPRESENTATION Build Community support What are the Community’s needs What are the Community’s expectations What are the benefits for the Community Stand up for the Board decisions Provide Leadership for Community improvement / development
MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT Recruitment of CEO Establish Clear goals and objectives Monitor performance Conduct evaluations Determine Management compensation
STRATEGIC PLAN OVERSIGHT Adherence to Mission and Vision Statements Project Time Line Financial Plan Performance driven Sub-Committee involvement
FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT TAKE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES SERIOUSLY Ask Questions Watch for Trends / Benchmarks Review budgets Promote Community benefits
PRODUCT OVERSIGHT End product in compliance with Federal and State regulations Product produced within the Mission Statement guidelines Sales/Marketing practices within Compliance guidelines
ORGANIZATION POLICY Set Organization Policies Review of Policy Guidelines Review of Policy Adherence
STAFF RELATIONS Board and Staff Development Representation on Committees Approval of Committee Bylaws Approval of Committee appointments Approval of Committee projects Listen to Committees, Staff, and other Board Members Do not be afraid to speak out
POLITICAL ADVOCACY Communicate with the City, County, State, and Federal Officials City: Gary Person, Mayor Dave Weiderspoon County: Bud Rankin, Ken McMillen, Harold Winkelman State: Rep Ken Schilz, Gov. Dave Heinemann Federal:
BOARD MEMBER PITFALLS Getting involved with daily operations Taking differences of opinions into the community Not willing to stand up for Board decisions Lack of teamwork / Board Unity
BOARD MEMBER PITFALLS (continued) Not using the Organizations Activities or Products Actions speak louder than words Ask Questions Do not allow the Board to become a “Rubber Stamp” Board of Directors Remember you are responsible for the actions of the Organization
GREAT BOARDS Operate on a high degree of Trust and open communication Encourage healthy debate Respect others opinions Become involved
GREAT BOARDS (continued) There is a great responsibility when serving on a Board of Directors, it can be a fulfilling experience. Enjoy your time while serving as a Board Member Put forth your best effort and always remember to LAUGH at your shortfalls