Archives, Libraries, Museums: Possibilities of Co-operation within the Enwirinment of the Global Information Infrastructure - Croatian experience Vlatka Lemić, EBNA Vilnius 2013
ALM Comunity in Croatia ALM service management – Ministry of Culture professional community, central national institutions, ALM public networks ttraditional formal and informal ways of cooperation (exhibitions, publishing, conferences…) majority of currently existing activities aim to meet challenges facing ALM as a result of the ongoing changes in society, economy and technology
ALM Annual Seminars
annual ALM seminars - investigation of interest and ways for possible levels of co-operation in archives, libraries and museums regarding contemporary information infrastructure gathering together experts from various memory institutions exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience, as well as concrete projects sharing resources
ALM Annual Seminars Topics of interests: professional education of archivists, librarians and museologists users and users service information infrastructure in ALM institutions processing collections, formal cataloguing, content analysis, normative control, metadata collection and item level description Internet, interoperability, semantic web digital environment, digital objects, digitization projects,…
ALM Annual Seminars descriptive standards and normative control restoration and conservation cultural tourism and public services pedagogy in ALM institutions implementation of professional standards and practical technical solutions, as well as their integration and interoperability contemporary trends and initiatives – networking integration, sharing resources, implementation of standards, …
ALM Cooperation in practice ALM dictionary and thesaurus Croatian Cultural Heritage Portal ( - national project for the digitisation of archival, library and museum National strategy for digitization of cultural heritage ALM cooperation contract for project „National cataloging rules”
ALM Cooperation - archives perspective Standardization and using IT in every day work Raising competencies in archives Exchange and sharing knowledge and experience Better understanding of archives and raising awareness in professional environment, administration and public Building new partnerships, participating in various projects and programs Improving quality and building new products and services in archives
Croatian State Archives