EMI INFSO-RI European Middleware Initiative (EMI) Alberto Di Meglio (CERN) Project Director
EMI INFSO-RI Primary Objectives Consolidate the existing middleware distribution simplifying services and components to make them more sustainable (including use of off-the-shelf and commercial components whenever possible) Evolve the middleware services/functionality following the requirements of infrastructures and users, mainly focusing on operational, standardization and interoperability aspects Reactively and proactively maintain the middleware distribution to keep it in line with the growing infrastructure usage EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome 2 Consolidate Evolve Support 23/09/2010
EMI INFSO-RI Project Partners EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome 323/09/2010
EMI INFSO-RI Technical Areas EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome 4 Compute Services Data Services Security Services Infrastructure Services A-REX, UAS-Compute, WMS, CREAM, MPI, etc dCache, StoRM, UAS-Data, DPM, LFC, FTS, Hydra, AMGA, etc UNICORE Gateway, UVOS/VOMS/VOMS- Admin, ARGUS, SLCS, glExec, Gridsite, Proxyrenewal, etc Logging and Bookkeeping, Messaging, accounting, monitoring, virtualization/clouds support, information systems and providers 23/09/2010 Product Teams Dedicate teams of experts Fully responsible for development, maintenance and unit/system testing Product Teams Dedicate teams of experts Fully responsible for development, maintenance and unit/system testing Support via the GGUS application
EMI INFSO-RI Main Technical Objectives Simplify security, hiding the use of certificates and using common methods across all supported middleware Develop a set of common clients and libraries and programming interfaces Introduce new services and technologies, like messaging, service management interfaces and dynamic resource and service provision (clouds) Implement standards and work actively on interoperability 23/09/2010 EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome 5
EMI INFSO-RI EMI Middleware Evolution 23/09/2010 EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome 6 Standards, New technologies (clouds) Users and Infrastructures Requirements EMI Reference Services 3 years Applications Integrators, System Administrators Before EMIAfter EMI Specialized services, professional support and customization
EMI INFSO-RI DCI collaborations Collaborations EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome 7 EMI EGI, PRACE, WLCG,OSG ESFRI, VRCs ESFRI, VRCs StratusLab VENUS-C EDGI Requirements Releases Collaborations 23/09/2010 IGE SLAs & Support SIENA Standards Industry Standards Industry Collaborations
EMI INFSO-RI Thank you 23/09/20108 EMI Overview - DECIDE Launch Event, Rome EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement INFSO-RI