©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 1 How it Works Derive Benchmark Data.


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Presentation transcript:

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 1 How it Works Derive Benchmark Data Develop algorithm for calculating efficacy Integrate practitioner feedback Create program scorecards Determine benchmarks Pilot test with practitioners Collect and Codify Evidence Derive Efficacy Factors Conduct meta-analysis Standardize outcomes Derive, score and weight efficacy factors Calculate effect sizes Digitize all RCTs, quasi- experimental studies, unpublished research, etc. Code evidence by level of rigor, associated outcomes and enter into relational database Codify Evidence Base Standardize Data Analyze Programs The IGP is a comprehensive, evidence-based research project to codify the factors that drive social change. The IGP allows policymakers, funders, and practitioners to measure and predict the outcomes of social programs with greater precision and uniformity. The Microfinance Impact Genome Project™ Microfinance

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 2 The Microfinance IGP is the first initiative of the broader Impact Genome Project. The Microfinance Impact Genome Project™ Microfinance

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 3 Microfinance CEO Working Group Outcomes Research Review of 70+ studies Focus on credit Multiple methodologies Included few meta-analyses

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 4 Identifying Leading MF Outcomes Outcomes Keywords: ~650 bibliographic entries Review of 650+ studies Includes credit, savings, remittances, insurance Includes many meta-analyses

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 5 Keywords per Outcome Broad indicatorSearch termsCount Income poverty Income Consumption Expenditure Poverty Asset Total Food securityFood48 Resilience Shock Smooth Saving Total Health HIV Total Social capitalSocial20 Broad indicatorSearch termsCount Women’s empowerment Empowerment Decision Total Women Girl Education School Total Business development Business Enterprise Total Agriculture development Farm Agriculture Agricultural Total

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 6 Comparison of Outcomes IGP R ESEARCH MCWG R ESEARCH Income poverty303Income poverty52 Resilience81Resilience37 Business development67Education31 Health61Health30 Women’s empowerment53Business development29 Education50Food security25 Food security48Women’s empowerment17 Agriculture development26Agriculture development15 Social capital20Social capital10

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 7 Outcomes Framework  Food security  Nutrition  Health  Education access  Other desired well-being measures Improved HH well-being Financial growth, stability & security Skill building & investment Access to financial tools & training  Business creation / growth (sales, revenues, job creation, etc.)  Increase household economic well-being (income, consumption, expenditure, etc.)  Increase household resilience (efficient use of HH resources, assets, savings, insurance)  Develop financial, business and/ or life skills & knowledge  Increase social capital (esp through group financial products)  Increase business investment (assets, training, marketing, etc.)  Increase access to financial products & services (hard to reach populations, micro businesses)

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 8 Target Outcomes I NCREASE E CONOMIC W ELL -B EING O F P OOR H OUSEHOLDS B UILD R ESILIENCE Definition: Substantial improvements in well-being that can be understood through direct measures of income or proxy measures of expenditure, consumption, poverty indices or food security. D EFINITION : Substantial decrease in use of severe or moderately severe coping strategies or successful use of savings, insurance and other strategies to handle unforeseen events, financial and otherwise. B USINESS / E NTERPRISE G ROWTH E MPLOYMENT C REATION Definition: Substantial increase in business turnover, profits, and/ or sales or time dedicated to owned enterprises. Definition: Creation of employment for adults (family and non- family members) or self-employment. Poor households: those living in bottom 40% below national or international poverty line W OMEN ’ S E CONOMIC E MPOWERMENT Definition: An increase in women’s ability to contribute financially to their household or household enterprise and/ or to make decisions regarding the use of household or enterprise resources. O THER O UTCOMES (T IER II) I NCREASE F INANCIAL C APABILITY E CONOMIC E MPOWERMENT F OR [E XCLUDED P OPULATION ] I NCREASE F OOD S ECURITY I NCREASE H EALTH {} I NCREASE C HILDREN ’ S / Y OUTH A CCESS TO E DUCATION

©2015 Mission Measurement Corp. [Social Performance Task Force Annual Meeting – Siem Reap, Cambodia] | [June 2015] 9 access to agricultural inputs access to credit access to financing and technical assistance agricultural income agriculture animal husbandry appliances asset ownership asset structure assets business and household income business capital business confidence business creation business development business diversification business expansion business growth business income business inventory business investment business investments business maintenance business outcomes Business Performance business productivity business profit business profits business registration business revenue and assets business skills capital accumulation child labor community wealth consumption control over resources credit crop diversification durables and temptation consumption earnings economic and microenterprise outcomes economic capacity Economic security economic well-being education efficiency employment employment opportunities employment status empowerment enterprise benefits enterprise development enterprise establishment enterprise expansion enterprise income enterprise stability entrepreneurial activity entrepreneurship capacity expenditure expenditure per capita expenditures expenditures on food farmer decision to export or sell locally feeling of preparedness female education financial resources financial skills financial vulnerability food expenditure food security formal operations Formalism home improvement home improvements household assets household benefits household consumption household economic security household economies household improvement household income household savings household welfare household well-being housing Improve agricultural practices Improve business outcomes Improve business processes and knowledge Improve household health Improve WASH practices income income generating activities income smoothing income sources incomes independence individual wealth interest costs investment investment in assets investment in education investments job creation jobs knowledge labor labor supply leadership loan size long-run business development management of cash flow microenterprise microenterprise recovery microenterprise revenue microentrepreneurship money management new business non-farm self-employment number of business owners number of employees occupational choice output paid employment performance personal savings poverty poverty rates Poverty reduction production efficiency productive asset investments productive assets productivity productivity and business growth profit profits providers business skills revenue sales sales revenue satisfaction savings savings mobilization scale of women's income generating activities self confidence self esteem self-employment self-employment income self-esteem short-run business outcomes skills training small business profit and investment small enterprise employment social social status standard of living. start business technical skills total expenditure total income village spillover effects Vulnerability well-being women's activity women's assets women's business women's control over assets women's decision making women's empowerment women's enterprise development women's entrepreneurship women's independence women's labor supply women's participation in decision making working capital Indicators – Business Growth CategoriesSub-categories Making More $ Assets Income Profit Revenue Sales Consumption Expenditures Productivity (Activities to Improve Business)Access Business Creation/Growth Performance/Efficiency Inventory Investment Skills/Training Employment Employment Risk Management Savings Intrinsic Miscellaneous Health AgricultureProductivity Making More $ FemaleIntrinsic (empowerment?) Education Making More $ Productivity