- To reduce dropouts from Upper secondary school
55 municipalities 6 regions
feb june 2014 European Social Fund (total) 11.5 million euros total 1.2 million euros to East Sweden region Co-financing - personnel Project Timeframe Financing
Right action at right time to provide best oportunities for the students to succed. Enhanced knowledge about what contribute to successful finishing school Develop frameworks for cooperation between diffrent departments at municipality-level and between regions Create longtime effects, change Object
Youth, 16 to 20 years old, who are at risk to drop out from an upper secondary school programme Target group
In 10 municipalities within the region Finnspång Motala City of Linköping City of Norrköping Söderköping Valdemarsvik Kinda, Ödeshög, Boxholm, Ydre and Tranås municipalities Local shops
Finnspång -Transition from compulsory to upper secondary school -Monitiring students studing in outside the municipality Motala -Develop methods for Guidence counciling City of Linköping -Transition from compulsory to upper secondary school -Transfer between upper secondary school programs City of Norrköping -Information between compulsory and upper secondary school -Common assessment tools Local Activities
Seminars on best practice Regional strategy for school consuling Mismatch – Expo on labour market Museum of Labour, Norrköping Regional Activities
Baltic Sea region Germany, Finland, Estonia, Poland etc OECD -Casestudies -Participate and organize conferences East Sweden Regions international networks Transnational cooperation
www. Plugginnovation. se InnovationResearchStatistics Methodology
Many drop outs during upper secondary school Many transfers between upper secondary school programs High unemployment rate among those lacking USS-diploma The Est Sweden Region has a high youth unemployment rate compared to the general unemployment within the region and compared to other swedish regions There is a mismatch between the demands of the labour market and the training and education among the young unemployed within the region Why plug in East Sweden Region?
Percentage that completed a USS-programe
Percentage of students completing the studies within 4 years, sorted on municipalities
Transition from Compulsory to Upper secondary school Making the right choises – extended familirization program Transfer of individual program and information on special needs Securing the right information from the start – Less risk for the student being left behind and drop out Focus in Linköping
Alternative arrangements within the national program for students who are about to drop out Models for alternative arrangements, e g (extended) work practice Induvidual soltions for transfer between national programs, to prevent that the student have to start over from square one
Transfer from introduction program to national vocational program Shorten the time within an introduction proigram Develop models for familirization with more than one vocational program Find flexibel solutions to make the student eligible for a national vocational program