California Gold Rush By Patricia Johnson
Gold Discovered gold nuggets found on John Sutter’s sawmill News spread around the world The beginning of Gold Fever!
Migration People came from around the world (China, England, Hawaii) People came from America Many left family members in search of gold
Journey Travel time took days, weeks, months, and even years People traveled by steamboat, wagon, and foot Death by starvation, disease, and exhaustion
Tools for Mining Panning The Sluice Box Rockers
Living Conditions Hunger/starvation Dirty Crowded
Fun Facts People believed that they would become very wealthy in California. Railroads were built by miners first fast way of traveling without dying. Entertainers such as Lola Montes and Emma Nevada performed to entertain the community.
Comprehension Where was gold first discovered? Where did people come from to discover gold? How did people travel to get to CA? What kinds of tools were used for mining? How were the living conditions? Did people die from diseases?
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