Macbeth Menu Planner Main Dishes (mandatory) Side Dishes (Choose 1 – Due May 8 th ) Desserts (Choose 1 – Due May 14 th ) Pay the Check (Test – May 15 th )
Main Dishes Two Literary Analysis Essays Speaking Activity p. 294 Collaborative Discussion p. 207 Performance Task/Analysis p. 231 Analyze the Text p. 291
Side Dishes – DUE 5/5/15 Pick One: Macbeth Meme Macbeth Soundtrack Ode to Macbeth
Every morning I lie there sleeping, When my peace is destroyed by a god- awful beeping. My dreams shattered, sudden and drastic, By this evil, awful, red-eyed chunk of plastic.
I roll over in pain and hammer on the snooze, Grumbling, groaning, thinking 'Why must this thing torture me so?' 'Don't make me get up, just five minutes more!' The same thing I've said every morning before.
It's not that I'm not a morning person, or that I dread the coming day, It's just that I hate waking up in this way! I'd much rather rise up along with the light, Shining through the window, glowing, beaming, bright.
But the sudden screaming, the unbearable fuss, Makes me want to scream, cry, and even begin to cuss! Especially the knowledge that all of my sorrow Will be repeated the same time, same way, tomorrow.
Desserts – DUE 5/14/15 Pick One: Macbeth Movie Poster – Central Conflict/Theme Wanted Poster Infographic of Macbeth – Before and After Power
1 – Powerful images to make people want to see Macbeth 2. A one-line caption briefly explaining the movie 3 - Title/Director of the movie 4 – Actor names playing the main characters
1 – description of criminal 2 – sketch/picture of criminal 3 – description of the crime(s) (s)he committed 4 – reason(s) why (s)he should be arrested 5 – area in which (s)he wanted 6 – description of the reward being offered (in English pound not U.S. dollars) 7 – contact information for those with information on the criminal
1 – A before and after picture of Macbeth 2 – Symbolic images of items used in the play that made an impact 3 – At least 5 before and after captions of changes in personality
Monday OR Tuesday 5/4 or 5/5 This will be a quiet work day You may work on: 1.Side Dish (due 5/8/15) 2.Literary Analysis #2 (due 5/6/15) 3.Dessert (due 5/14/15)
Pay the Check – TEST 5/15/15 Study the Study Guide