A Summer’s Trade Fifth Grade Unit 2 Week 4
Words to Know bandana mesa bracelet Navajo hogan turquoise jostled
a greenish-blue gemstone turquoise (noun) bandana bracelet hogan jostled mesa Navajo turquoise a greenish-blue gemstone
flat-topped land formation mesa (noun) bandana bracelet hogan jostled mesa Navajo turquoise flat-topped land formation
piece of jewelry worn on the wrist bracelet (noun) bandana bracelet hogan jostled mesa Navajo turquoise piece of jewelry worn on the wrist
a Native American tribe of the southwest Navajo (noun) bandana bracelet hogan jostled mesa Navajo turquoise a Native American tribe of the southwest
bandana (noun) bandana bracelet hogan jostled mesa Navajo turquoise a handkerchief or piece of cloth often worn around the neck
jostled (verb) bandana bracelet hogan bumped against jostled mesa Navajo turquoise bumped against
hogan (noun) bandana bracelet hogan jostled mesa Navajo turquoise type of shelter used by the Navajo
Navajo hogan Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The family’s shelter was made of dried mud. Navajo hogan
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My brother wore a red bandana around his neck. quilt handkerchief
Which word best describes the following situation? While walking through the crowded hallways, the students were jostled against each other. stuck bounced
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The mesas of the southwest make its scenery very unique. flat-topped landform types of cactus
Which word best describes the following person? My great grandfather belonged to the Navajo nation. A member of a Native American tribe A member of a special government group
greenish-blue gemstone Which means the same thing as the underlined word? She received a beautiful turquoise bracelet for her birthday. sparkling greenish-blue gemstone
You’ve got it!