Shannon Vinter, DTM District 42 Contest Chair Eloise Blackstock, DTM District 42 Contest Chief Judge District 42 Spring 2015 Contests
Key Objectives To cover key points that will aid your clubs, your areas, your divisions and the district deliver a well run, fair and enjoyable contest event.
Agenda 1.Forms – Completion 2.Forms – Distribution 3.Functionaries 4.Deadlines 5.Open Forum
Forms - Completion
Forms – Do’s and Don’ts
Forms - Distribution Notification of Winner* Contestant Bio Contestant Eligibility * Rulebook – Page 9 5. General Procedure L.2
Functionaries ** No chief judge nor voting judge can belong to a club of any contestant AreaDivisionDistrict Chief Judge11** Voting JudgesEqual # from clubs or min 5 Equal # from areas or min 7 Equal # from divisions or min 7 Tiebreaking Judge111 Counters333 Timers222
** Each Division provide four volunteers: 3 potential voting judges 1 other volunteer(for counter or timer) Rule Book Minimums for District District 42 Mandate Chief Judge11 Voting JudgesEqual # from divisions or min 7 2 per division (18 judges) Tiebreaking Judge11 Counters34 Timers22 Backup Voting Judges1 per division Functionaries
Deadlines Policy Contest Completion Deadlines* Spring 2015 Contest Completion Deadlines District 42April 25 and April 26 Division2 weeks before DistrictOn or before April 11 Area2 weeks before DivisionOn or before March 28 Club2 weeks before AreaOn or before March 14 * District 42 Toastmasters Procedures – Article 4.1.2
Open Forum Time 1
Well Run Fair Enjoyable Recap
1 Shannon Vinter, DTM District Contest Chair and Eloise Blackstock, DTM District 42 Contest Chief Judge District 42 Spring 2015 Contests