A Health and Wealth Generating Economy Neil McInroy Chief Executive, Centre for Local Economic Strategies
Neil McInroy Chief Centre for Local Economic Strategies A healthy and wealth generating economy
What i CLES? Economic AND social growth Planners, Geographers, Economists Action on Ground, Policy, Consultancy Leading UK member and research organisation About CLES Independent charity. 30 th Anniversary
Healthier workers work longer are more productive Healthier children learn better and attain more Higher incomes permit better nutrition and health. HEALTH ECONOMY
Chair: Professor Margaret Whitehead W.H. Duncan Chair of Public Health, Professor Clare Bambra, Professor of Public Health Ben Barr, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health and Policy, University of Liverpool Jessica Bowles, Head of Policy, Manchester City Council Richard Caulfield, Chief Executive, Voluntary Sector North West Professor Tim Doran, Professor of Health Policy, Department of Health Sciences, University of York Dominic Harrison, Director of Public Health, Blackburn with Darwen Council Anna Lynch, Director of Public Health, Durham County Council Neil McInroy, Chief Executive, Centre for Local Economic Strategies Steven Pleasant, Chief Executive, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health, Hull City Council Supported by Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES)
Lower Life expectancy in North
We must manage growing health and public service demand with less money! social change and ageing population Solid and sustainable economic growth Inputs of skills, investment, Total factors of production (PLACE) The challenge of creating a health generating economy
Effective public services, improve lives and reduces demand. Public sector reform Business Success Healthy societies Whole system approaches Good Health as an OUTCOME OF, and INPUT TO, business success. Business success /Improving economy reduces demand.
The future Innovation in the spaces between citizens, social sector, businesses and the local state/government Join up wealth, people and public services better New relationship which erodes health inequalities faster New relationship which creates a healthier and productive workforce
Business Citizenship Business Citizenship MARKET PLACE SOCIETY WORK PLACE ENVIRONMENT Influence pro health behaviour in suppliers and customers. CSR. Volunteering. Philanthropy. Role of employees as citizens. Health and safety. Health insurance. Healthy workplace eating etc. Pollution. Car sharing, Walk to work etc
MANCHESTER – Mapping and changing supply chain 51% of spend with local suppliers in 2008/9. Now up to 65%. Spend with businesses in most deprived areas up from 47% to 53%. MIDLANDS METROPOLITAN HOSPITAL- SANDWELL Total spend in local area £150M. For contracts over 100K only 15% in Sandwell PRESTON – Focus to advance local spend in supply chain across 6 anchors Community wealth and jobs through procurement
Collaborate like mad where you can link LEPs/business with Health + Well Being boards Get health institutions in order. As purchasers of things you are an economic actors Combining economic growth, healthy societies and public sector reform – more of a chance through Devolution/localism Final thoughts
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