The Web Site Development It must have been the electric, take-a-chance atmosphere of Reno that provided the impetus for the STRIMA’s website launch back in John Cook (Colorado) urged the membership to support the move into cyberspace.
The Web Site Some of the milestones along the often bumpy information highway under John’s watch included: Several ISP (internet service provider) hosts (some bad, some worse). Numerous STRIMA-TALK discussion topics that enlightened participants. Password protected “Member-Only” pages that worked, sometimes. Instant access to conference planning and status. Photo memories of various activities.
The Web Site Due to the commitment required to maintain the web site, in 2003 STRIMA contracted with Northrop Grumman to redesign the web site to reside on a worldwide web domain name server and be hosted on a commercial ISP.
The Web Site Northrop Grumman donates 6 hours per quarter to maintain the site - an in-kind Associate Membership to STRIMA.
The Web Site In 2003 STRIMA formalized its web site policy to create standard protocols and guidelines. The policy is posted on the web site. The Executive Committee appoints a STRIMA member to serve as webmaster and one to serve as assistant webmaster.
The Web Site Members must submit articles or documents to be published on the web site to the STRIMA webmaster or assistant webmaster. The publicly accessible there are links to the STRIMA Talk open discussion forums, event schedules, news of the annual conference, links to risk management resources, membership contact information.
The Web Site The homepage lists introductory information and official news articles from the STRIMA organization. The Member’s Forum area hosts the members’ discussion group, an expanded version of the survey, documents, etc. Its use is limited only by our imaginations.
The Web Site Survey potentials – If you have one question – Post a new topic; Go to “pole options.” Results will be tallied in a bar graph. Opportunity to post a discussion point after you have answered question.
The Web Site Survey potentials – If you have a number of questions – Post the survey on your State’s web site and place a message with a link to the survey on the STRIMA site, or Contact Site Administrator to post the survey on STRIMA site.
The Web Site State and Province members receive a message via w hen a new question is posted on the Member's Forum of the web site. Check the question (and STRIMA Talk) to see if you can contribute information on the topic.
The Web Site Special Features: Marsh USA, Inc. has generously allowed STRIMA to post on its Members Forum web site Marsh’s review of each State’s sovereign immunity statutes.