Hosted by Mr. Sanders
The National Legislature The House The Senate Members
Row 1, Col 1 Two year period of time during which Congress meets. What is “Term”
1,2 Distribute, as in seats in a legislative body. What is “Apportion”
1,3 This is how many Sitting Senators There are in Congress. What is “100”
1,4 A lawmaker who votes based On his or her conscience and judgment, not the views of is or her constituents. What is a “Trustee”
2,1 Period of time during which, each year, Congress assembles and conducts business. What is “Session”
2,2 Congressional election that occurs between presidential election years. What is an “Off-year Election”
2,3 This is how many years a Senators term is for. What is “ Six Years”
2,4 A lawmaker who owes her/her first allegiance to his/her political party and votes according to the party line. What is a “Partisan”
3,1 Suspend, as in a session of Congress. What is “Adjourn”
3,2 Electoral district from which one person is chosen by the voters for each elected office. What is a “Single-Member district”
3,3 An Arizona Senator who was recently elected, and previously served as a Representative of Mesa Who is Jeff Flake
3,4 A lawmaker who attempts to balance the basic elements of the trustee, delegate, and partisan Roles. What is a “Politico”
4,1 Adjourn, as in a Legislative Session. (Done so by the President) What is “Prorogue”
4,2 Election of an officeholder by the voters of an entire governmental unit rather than by the voters of a district or subdivision. What is “At-large”
4,3 A governing unit whose seats Are never all up for election At the same time. What is a “Continuous Body”
4,4 A review by legislative committees of the policies and programs of the executive branch. What is an “Oversight Function”
5,1 An extraordinary session of a Legislative body, called to deal With an emergency situation. What is “ Special Session”
5,2 The drawing of electoral district lines to the advantage of a party or group. What is “Gerrymander”
5,3 The people and interests that an elected official represents. What is “Constituency”
5,4 A benefit of allowing a member of Congress to mail letters and other materials postage-free. What is a “Franking Privilege”